Tue 1st Aug 2023 01:27

A Cup of Tea to Calm the Nerves

by Ailmar

Flaurmont 27 - Yarthmonth 27
This time was very tedious. Connor had to teach us not just human law but how to enforce and interpret it. So many rules to try and create a peaceful society that we Elves just really did without being told or having written laws. I was getting more accustomed to it but it was still a bit foreign (or maybe annoying) to me. Connor did as good a job as he could with the material I suppose. At the end we had to actually take a written exam which was quite easy if you paid attention.
I tried to divide my time outside of the classes between all my studies and Rhiannon. She was most important so I typically worked on my studies while she slept. We did spend a good amount of time together. She showed me more furnishings for the house she had purchased which were quite nice. I also noticed a number of animals that seemed to be coming around more frequently as well that she was taking care of. Having some animals around does make it feel a bit more like home oddly enough so I have no issue with it.
A spent some time at night on different books I checked out from the library in Edgewater and a few basic ones they had here in Melinir. Mostly on how different people interact with each other, how conflicts arise and how to control them and other such things. I also found some information on how to best plan our villages, cities, roads and such. Both topics I quickly grasped the basics but further study would be needed to understand the finer details. After work I did speak with Connor about what lands and abandoned areas could be easily settled again and there is quite a bit. It will take some work but I believe the Rift can be made safe and secure for many generations to come. I also asked about his assistant, he said she was not progressing very well and was not getting much work done.
I also had to stop by the jeweler and have another piece commissioned. Since Rhiannon liked the marshall badge I thought something similar to it but something showing her protecting me somehow? We had the small rubies so I thought perhaps her house banner etched into it large, a series of the small rubies in the shape of a heart and the silvercrest banner in the center smaller. He agreed and said he could get to work on it right away.
Yarthmont 28 - Klarmont 13
Rhiannon and I decided to open up her home (our Summer House she calls it) and spend some time there. For memories I went to the library and borrowed The Big Book of Sappy, Drivelly Love Poems which is how we were able to spend some time together. We brought plenty of wine and our lutes to work on music together. It was a very relaxing two weeks of music, long walks and enjoying each other's company. Melwen very much enjoys this location as well, I just need to get Rhiannon to slow down on the treats she gives her!
Klarmont 14-20
Back in Melinir I was able to get some time on the Island to do some studying. I looked briefly into the Water Elemental as I believed we needed to finish that at some point but I found what I already knew really. It was bound by an object. It was a being from another plane and only enchanted items could harm it. Nothing much new there. At the end of the week I spoke to Dram and Holly about the elemental and heading back there and they agreed to come with me. Durbin was not to be found but I vividly remember him saying before he wanted nothing to do with the elemental. We found the captain who took us last time and he agreed to take us again the next day. Holly went to Grandma Gertie to get some of the insect repellent. We told Pickman of our plan and he insisted on coming as well!
Apparently while we were at our summer home Dram and Holly went back up to Kleine to gather the dire wolf pups they left there. They needed a place for it to stay while we went to the swamp castle and asked if she could stay at our house. Rhiannon of course said yes and immediately took a liking to the pup. I told Holly she would now have to share the pup with Rhiannon, just look at Melwen!
Klarmont 21
I told Rhiannon of our plans for the day and that it should hopefully be just a day trip but I would send Melwen with news if it took longer. With a hug and kiss goodbye she did not even seem upset. I met the others at the dock and we were ready to go. It did bring back some memories of leaving the first time, wanting to get back to work with Rhiannon on our duet. It was a bit laughable now how naive I was to her love. The trip went by quickly and before I knew it we had to put the insect repellent gloop on us. I did not care for the smell or the feel of it but it did work. Keeping up a few simple spells made casting others difficult so it was best to have this so I could be at full strength if needed.
After applying it I shaped and purified the air around me to keep the bugs off and myself comfortable. It is simple enough on myself but to make it larger is fatiguing so the others would need to rely on the repellent. The large otters showed up as before and the crew fed them some fish. We made it easily to the Keep and found that the “newt-men” seemed to be back so we had to be on alert.
Holly scouted ahead a bit with Dram close behind her and myself watching our rear with Pickman. There were obvious signs there were new residents but we didn’t see them. We went through all the rooms and found none of them. The large bed chamber seemed to be full of their nests but they were not there. Perhaps they all went out hunting or fishing? Everything did seem to be as it was except for their expanded residence.
With the Keep seemingly safe at the moment we discussed what to do next. The elemental said it was trapped here by an object its control object in a corner of the Keep. I wanted to check all the “easy” corners first but Dram and Pickman suggested just checking under the elemental. Fine. I wrapped my boots in mana and walked above the water to the end. Once there I switched to my mage eyes and could definitely see what I could only assume would be the object controlling it as it glowed brightly. I walked back and let them know that yes, it was almost assuredly there.
We stood in the dry area by the stairs to the roof and discussed what to do next. We came up with many plans but ultimately it led to us trying to get the control device and after that not knowing what to really do next as we knew for sure the elemental would attack. Pickman suggested we speak to it but I wasn’t sure what to ask it or speak to it about. It was pretty clear it would not leave until its task was complete or we defeated it like it said. After a short discussion we decided it was better than going straight to a fight. Initially we thought maybe Holly could try talking to it first but then decided it perhaps not the best idea. I spoke to it last time and it seemed to at least tolerate me so I would do so again.
I asked Pickman to cast his language spell on me again and wrapped my boots in mana again to go back there. I wasn’t even sure what to say to it so I just asked why this wasn’t done yet. It said it just needed to wait for the swamp to reclaim it and it couldn’t do much else. I tried to get it to agree to us moving it’s control device to another location to help it break down the Keep faster. It seemed to be open to that idea but explicitly told me if I touched it then it would have to kill me. I actually did apologize as if it was saddened by the idea. I asked what if I could move it but not actually touch it? That intrigued it so I moved closer, pointed my staff towards the object and wrapped it in mana. It is difficult when the object is a few meters away but I was able to wrap hold of it.
I paused my breath and was ready to run but the elemental did not move. “Clever Elf,” it said to me. I started slowly backing up pulling the item with me. Once the object was ten paces from the elemental it began following. Interesting, it seemed to have a range? Once I brought it further out I could see what it actually was. It was an icosahedron made of crystal with a bit of water in it. Each face of the object was a rune but I couldn’t really tell what any of them were. I brought the object to the corner by the stairwell where the others were and set it down there. The elemental followed and spent no time getting to work.
Pickman was of course intrigued by the object and thought perhaps we could maybe control it somehow. The two of us worked over several hours to examine the object and between the two of us we did see there were summoning and control runes. I asked Dram to draw out these runes for us and add some notes by each one if said them. After a bit, Dram had a great diagram of all the runes and Pickman and I were able to determine that you need to touch the runes in a certain order to regain control. Of course you would need to best the one who summoned it in the first place. Also you would need to touch the object drawing the ire of the creature,
We estimated about five seconds of time to attempt to wrest control of the elemental. We would need an option to retreat and I did not want to go through the water. I could shape a section of stone wall and move it. Holly pointed out we could draw the ire of the giant crocodile but that was an easy solution. I would just use that same stone to block off the hall to that area! Shaping stone is exhausting so we took a short rest (Dram helped me with some energy) and we went over the plan. I would pull the object to me, drop it in my hands and I just needed them to buy me time to activate the control runes and take control. Pickman asked if everyone had an enchanted weapon which Dram did not. I let him use my knife and he almost scoffed at the idea of using such a small weapon. Well it was enchanted and would do something. Even Pickman said he could still cast a good fireball. With everyone ready and in place we started.
I wrapped the object in mana and pulled it towards me walking backwards along the escape route. I got to the ten pace mark and it stopped looking at me. This was it. I maneuvered the object to the best I could for the runes to start and dropped it. I could immediately sense the hostility. The next few seconds were chaotic. I focused on the runes but I could see the elemental moving towards me, a fireball hit it in the side and it lashed out to Pickman I assume. Dram tried to stand in its way but it’s water so it just went around and rushed up towards me. Like the minotaur I thought this might be it. Thankfully Dram rushed over to it and swung wildly slicing through it with my enchanted knife which drew its attention. With Dram doing that I could focus and get the control sequence done. There was a little bit of resistance, whoever did this was good but between Barik and myself we were able to quickly break down its defenses and immediately I could feel control. I shouted STOP and the sounds of battle stopped. We had done it!
With it now under our control we asked it some questions but they were not helpful. It did not know exactly who summoned it, couldn’t even really remember if it was human. The only real information we got was that it was not summoned here in the castle but further away to what Holly said was the northwest which I believed was towards Wizardspire. With that none of us could really come up with anything else to ask it, so I released it back to its plane. It thanked me and was gone. A part of me was saddened, the elemental could have been useful but it was best to release it.
Apparently Pickman was wounded badly by the elemental and was knocked out. We got him back to the boat and Dram was going on about the newt creatures that I should put the wall back. That was fine. I could easily do that. He thought perhaps the newt men were not evil and they could be reasoned with and perhaps be an ally in the Rift here. I wasn’t sure about that, I had not really even heard of these things before. From our training though we could be in trouble for bringing Pickman with us and allowing him to get hurt. I know he can be healed and this wasn’t really official business but I do feel bad for his injury. The captain was also getting nervous as the newt creatures were starting to creep back towards the keep and we should probably get going. Perfect timing!
We made our way back to Melinir and brought Pickman to the Church who immediately chastised us for bringing him along. They were right but he did like to learn new things and insisted on coming along. Once Pickman was safe at the church we went to the keep of the Quadrial where Connor was still working. Valum was not there but he could record what had happened for us. I also suggested Connor should come over for dinner one night with Rhiannon and I which he seemed to be happy to do. Once that was done Dram quickly left and I chatted with Holly. I suggested she should come over for breakfast in the morning before we came to see Valum. I figured we should let him know about Pickman before he heard it from others.
Upon arriving home I found Rhiannon was already asleep. In the bed with her was the pup. Washed, brushed and a red ribbon around her neck. I chuckled to myself, yes Holly was going to have to share. If she left the pup here too long she may just lose it! I let them be and went out for a stroll to the commons and rested there since it was such a beautiful night.
Klarmont 22
Holly came over early but Dram did not. She said she told him but he had practice to attend or something. We had a nice breakfast and conversation. Holly was happy to see her pup so calm and I just gave her a look like “I told you so”. Holly packed some food for Dram and Connor. I gave Rhiannon a hug and kiss and let her know I had some errands to run here in town. She quickly put together a small lunch and we headed back over to the keep of the Quadrial.
When we arrived Dram was already there along with Connor and his assistant who was a young human female. Connor seemed a bit frustrated and his assistant…I don’t know she didn’t look well. Dram and Holly were speaking quietly about something while looking at them. I asked what was wrong with her and they said she obviously liked him. I looked between them and maybe? I don’t know, it just seemed like she didn’t feel well. Although maybe I’m not the best judge of this since it did take me a while to figure out Rhiannon.
Valum came in soon after and did not seem pleased to see us although that seemed to be the usual case with him. We followed him in and he was of course most concerned for Pickman and not happy we brought him with. He also suggested we take the object to be destroyed or at least a safe place. I figured Geoffrey may be most interested in it so I was already thinking of taking it there. Then I brought up Connor's assistant and why he would choose such a person who is easily distracted. He thought it was somewhat funny and that Connor needed to relax a bit and that she could help. I don’t know, maybe?
Dram wanted to rush off to his studies so I stopped to talk with Holly and tried to keep an eye on Connor and his assistant as well. Maybe there was something there? Everyone else seemed to think so, I had to go with the consensus I suppose. I told Holly I had invited Connor over for dinner but maybe we should invite her as well. I just didn’t want me to be the one doing the inviting so maybe she could talk to Rhiannon and drop the hint there to which Holly agreed. Since we were having them I thought why not Dram and Adrianna too? The wedding attempt did not seem to work at all so we would have to try again.
I stopped by the jeweler and Rhiannon’s “badge” was done so I picked that up. I stopped by the clothier and they were able to make some suggestions for a wrapping for it and even made it so that after the gift it could be used as a handkerchief. It would take a bit so I went to visit the Church and Pickman but they had healed him up and sent him home already. I was chastised again for bringing him with. I stopped by his home and he was there, good as ever. He invited me in for tea and we chatted for a bit. We both agreed that we should have Geoffrey look at the object so I said I would take it there as soon as I could. I needed to go there anyway and look into the newt-men anyways to see what their history was.
With that done I went back to the clothier and picked up the wrap/handkerchief for Rhiannon’s badge and headed back home. She was there and said we should have a glass of wine and picked out two glasses and poured some, setting the gift in front of her. She was thrilled with the gift of course and I suggested we play at the Goat tonight which she agreed. It was already mid afternoon so she went to prepare and we left for dinner that evening. Holly joined us and was flawless in bringing up Connor and his assistant plus Dram and Adrianna. Rhiannon was very excited about this and they started chatting quietly, almost as if they didn’t want me to hear...taking an obvious hint I grabbed my lute to play for a bit while they discussed their plans. As I played I kept an eye on those two and they were very enthusiastic about this, perhaps I had taken this too far? Well it was too late for that now so I just concentrated on my music.
Klarmont 23
This morning I asked Rhiannon if she wished to go to the Island for a bit for study and she said she would, it had been awhile since she had been there. Plus she said she had someone she needed to speak to there anyways so it worked out well. I told her I had invited Connor over for dinner and she said she already knew and things were already in motion. Now I was really actually thinking I had pushed this too far but I took a breath and calmed myself. It would be fine, it was just dinner with friends.
We got to the Island and we decided to meet in the library when we were both done. She went off on her way and I made my way towards Geoffreys tower, actually a bit nervous. Geoffrey was not immediately available so I had to wait a bit. Finally he arrived and asked what I needed in his very nonchalant way that said “I am superior to you, we both know it”. I said we had found an item in Castle Kraal that was used to control the water elemental that sank the Castle. When I pulled the object out and showed it to him he was visibly shaken. Out of all the things that we had brought to this man this actually shook him. He turned sharply and barked at me to follow in a very commanding tone. Shaken myself I hesitated then rushed to follow him up. We went through his store rooms where it just glowed bright of magic everywhere to a large vault door. He placed his hands and muttered what must have been the password and it opened. He scrolled through a number of drawers finding one and opened it. Inside was an empty cloth insert for either this object or one exactly like it.
I didn’t know what to do! Do I turn this back over to him when it obviously came from here? He was obviously disturbed that it was not there so it didn’t seem he knew about it. I asked why I should give it back and what was going on. He didn’t have an answer but he was going to continue working on it. With the oaths, knowing what was on the Island now and everything else I didn't think he was evil or anything but this was definitely odd. I set the object in the insert and told him I was trusting him with this even though it clearly made no sense. I don’t know if it really meant anything to him and he didn’t have much else to give me on the subject. I figured if he got anything from Zanzer Tem he would tell us. I left his tower shaken, even forgetting that I told Rhiannon I would meet her in the library.
I went to the lounge and got a glass of wine and sat down trying to wrap my head around what was going on. Some time later (i don’t really know) Rhiannon did find me and looked concerned. She poured herself some and me some more. I told her I didn’t want to hold anything back so I explained what had just happened. She was mystified as well and could tell I was quite shaken by the ordeal. I told her I wished to end this trip now as I just didn’t care to sit in the library which must have really told her something was wrong. She said we could go home and she would make me some of my favorite tea to calm my nerves. That did sound grand, perhaps being off the Island too would help calm things down.
The more we keep digging the more questions keep coming up. One thing really does seem to keep popping up though and that was the Wizardspire.