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Vault of the Raven

by Elora Moonshine

Beadle has a quest to take the stone tablet to get it charged in a vault of the Raven. As we head up to the lake to find the vault, we see a catoblepas, a giant ungulate.Elora explains what it is and that they are generally harmless. We ride on and don't bother messing with it. We arrive at the vault temple and there is a raven guy outside. We send in Ruby to ask if we can go inside. His name is Steve, his master is Derrick. He joined the order to gain more knowledge about the Galdorian empire and magic.
We enter the temple and there is an altar in the main room with a bowl of water. Vampire mist comes out and Elora casts turn undead. She accidentally makes Ruby run from her sexy fern shaking.She chases after her and hits her with a rock to shake her out of it. Elora notices that Steve had noped out but even with her tracking skills (29 survival) she didn't see any sign of him.
We check a few rooms out, one has sarcophagi. We decided to skip this one for a bit. Ruby goes down a well and finds a chest. It was very dangerous. She finds a metal chest with big chains wrapped around it.
We go into an altar room and find a place with a pedestal for the tablet. Beadle mage hands it to the pedestal. It hums and will o wisps come out and we fight them. The vampiric mist comes back and fucks up Elora. We defeat them and the tablet powers down. Seems okay.
Beadle hears that Steve came back.
We backtrack to a room we haven't been in and Elora finds a transaction journal for food. She takes it. We move back to the last room we haven't been in, Elora finds a book on Galdorian Mysteries that discusses various sites and has maps. She gives it to Beadle. She also feels a draft coming up from a makeshift carpet. Ruby climbs down into it and hears something inside stir. Mysterious chest, ring with a feather engraved on it, A book titled Galdorian Mysteries. 1140 XP per player.
A Hook Horror crawls up after Ruby. We attack it. It lives up to its namesake. It hates sounds.
We kill it. Ruby goes down to investigate for loot. Ruby grabs one of its hooks and some parts. We open up the chest to find...broke ass sword- very fancy old sword.
2 vials of purple stone giants strength
small silver rod (immovable rod).
Beadle fixes the runes on the bowl altar.
Elora sleuths out that Steve is a ghost. Steve Thermopolis is interred in the crypt here. The group leave gold coins on his tomb.