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Sat 13th Mar 2021 11:44

Shadowfall Manor Needs Assistance with Giant Beasts

by Elora Moonshine

GM: Kyle
Players: Keith, Bonni, Kevin, Kat, Chase, Me
"Assistance wanted at Shadowfell Manor: Feral animals coming down from The Ashkeeper Peaks have been an increasing disturbance. They have a distinct aura about them and have been acting... peculiar. We are willing to pay out gold to anyone willing to thin out the beasts. We also offer a reward for anyone who comes to us with information leading to the cessation of these beasts. Inquire at Shadowfell Manor, in the clearing OUTSIDE of the walls in the front, there you will receive further information."
We get to the clearing and meet two hunters that are interested in the ad. A man comes out and says that he will offer 20gp per animal killed and notices that Ruby is here. We stay in the fancy creaky castle.LeRoy is so excited about staying in the fancy place but Grayson is a little on edge. The night passes uneventfully. We clamber up the mountain and Elora nearly falls, Grayson catches her. We start following some big goat tracks that might be the animal type we are hunting. We sneak up on them. There are 3 big goats, 3 vultures, and 4 spiders. Ruby hasnt seen any goats, spiders, or vultures get to this size. She says they normally dont get this big because the werewolves eat them. Elora finds more tracks going up the hill. The path is getting very difficult, the air gets colder, heavy snow falls. We come to a river with two giant elks that are super aggressive. We kill the 2 elk and then two bears cross the stream and their eyes become yellow. We kill the two bears. I need to head back to town, to check in with grandmother, so I leave a bit early.