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Tue 2nd Mar 2021 02:39

Mining for Steelheart

by Elora Moonshine

Date: Feb 28, 2021. Who played: Elora, Sam, Igor, Ruby, LeRoy, Grayson. XP: 725/player
Summary:Cooper "Dirty Ears" Steelheart knows of some mines up in the mountains and is looking for someone to go up and get the ore out. He wants 10%. He says that there are goblins infesting the mine by Advent. We head up to the mine and find that there are goblins in the mine, like the old man said, and they have a hostage. We kill them (2 hobs, 2goblins) except for 1goblin and release their captive. Sam found a fancy magic chest. The keys that open the jail cell dont open the chest. rounded, pickaxe, broom with broken, 20cp.The captured guys name is Tiny Wigsteo. He said he came in on a tip from the old man, but he didnt expect to run into the hobgolins (big ones). I figured I could sneak past some of the small ones and get back out with ores. Tiny can wield a dagger and is interested in gems. There is a healing potion and several gems worth 20gp of finely cut and 30gp uncut gems. Elora takes the healing potion. We look around and Igor reads a dwarvish inscription that says “Down: safety in numbers. Up: Get to work”
We descend into darkness. Arrive at a minecart track. It smells moldy and damp here. 2 goblins carrying a sack of gems approach, Grayson throws a javelin from the dark. Ruby drops on him. We kill them. We move through the mines and kill more goblins. 12 goblins and 2 hob.
2 goblins jump off a minecart and detonate on Sam. They do 6d6 damage and Sam dies. The goblins also die. Elora helps Ruby up. Elora remembers that Sam had inspo and that he rolled both a nat 1 and a nat 20 when he rolled his dex save earlier. So Sam rolls his death saves. LeRoy shoves chew in Sam’s mouth and he awakens. We kill the last goblin.
We get a cart full of red gems. Cart full of blue cloudy gems. Load them into Graysons cart.