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1st of Mirtul, 1462 DR

Following Torgo's Escape...

by The Hand of the Drumskulls Bihx

After returning from Cliffmont and confessing everything to Tuvraina, she dismissed me from her chambers and asked me to return after I had bathed and rested.
I grabbed fresh clothes from my room, then headed for the bathroom where I soaked for a good long while. The warm water embraced my aching, tight muscles and I relaxed into the tub with a sigh. After an hour or so, I emerged from the bathroom feeling refreshed and headed back to my room only to find that my things had been removed! I spotted Jorna, a small, slender half-orc with pale green skin and tiny tusks, at the end of the hall with some of my trinkets in hand heading for Torgo’s room.
I stopped her and asked what the hell she thought she was doing. She looked confused.
“It was the mistress’ orders.”
I looked inside Torgo's room. All of his things were removed and the room had been redecorated! What was once sort of drab and blue is now shiny and purple. Threaded curtains of deep purple and gold adorn the window. On the double bed, decorated in lavenders and yellows, lays a luxurious goose down throw. A lambskin wool blanket is neatly folded at the end of the bed for colder nights. My clothes were being loaded into a wardrobe at the far end of the room by Jorna’s sister, Eiour, and my trinkets were carefully on tables and shelves.
“The mistress had us move your things in here so it would be ready for your use," said Jorna. "This is your room now.”
Too tired to really comprehend what this could mean, I mustered a barely audible, “Thank you.” Eiour and Jorna completed their tasks and I sank into the big bed. Sleep came quickly and it was dreamless.
The next morning, the I awoke to the mouthwatering aroma of Cookie's food. I opened my eyes to find that a tray had been brought into my room at some point. I removed the warming tent from the plate to reveal a delicious, steaming breakfast of roasted pigeon and warm biscuits with a side of fresh squeezed orange juice and two pickles. Knowing that Cookie doesn’t part with her pickles easily, I smiled as I crunched into one before devouring the rest of my meal. I pocketed the second pickle for later.
There was a soft knock at the door. Jorna stood on the other side. “The mistress is waiting," she said. I dressed in a hurry and washed up.
When I reported to Tuvraina, I was greeted by a group of about two dozen Marked gathered in her chambers. The Marked are the enforcers of the Drumskulls. They bear a mark in the form of a burn scar between their shoulder blades. They're seldom seen, but often whispered about. I've encountered them on rare occasions before, but only because I was Torgo's Second Hand. Still, I'm not terribly familiar with them. I know that Tuvraina is always accompanied by at least two of them who serve as her bodyguards. When she travels, she generally has four to six around her.
I am about to get a promotion or a beating. Either way, I think I just shit myself.
Tuvraina looked at me and asked, "Bihx, are you ready to assert your dominance and power over others? To show your strength of will?"
I took a deep steadying breath and replied, "If that is what you require of me, then that is what I am prepared to do, Mistress."
"Are you ready to repay cruelty done unto you with further evil? To exploit others' weaknesses?"
I thought immediately of Torgo and the twins. Their deceptions and lies. How they kept the truth about Sam from me. I felt my expression darken as my hand flew instinctively to the bird skull pendant around my neck. "Yes, ma'am. Absolutely."
"And as you ascend to your power, will you pity or show mercy to those you climb over to get there?"
"Literally and metaphorically, I have been climbed over all my life, Mistress. No pity nor mercy was shown to me. I would relish the opportunity to return the favor."
The slightest hint of a smile crept into the corners of Tuvraina's mouth. "Good," she said, standing. She walked around her desk to stand before me, or rather, about three feet over me. "Turn and receive your mark."
Dumbfounded, I did as she said. Tuvraina placed her hand between my shoulder blades. I felt a white hot searing pain that lasted for a good thirty seconds. I did my best to stand still and bear it. Through the pain, I could barely hear words being spoken. I wasn't sure who was speaking them, nor was it a language I recognized. When she had finished, Tuvraina bade me to turn back around and returned to her desk.
"Let it be known," she announced, "that Bihx now serves as my Right Hand. Her word is my word and as such, is beyond contestation." The other Marked all gave Tuvraina and I a slight bow. Then, Tuvraina dismissed all but the guards at the door and myself. She directed me to have a seat. Still in shock, I sat and listened as she outlined the business of the day, my responsibilities, and other key information. "One more thing," she concluded. Tuvraina picked up an amulet that was sitting on her desk. I recognized it as the symbol of The Hand. Torgo had one just like it. "This is yours."

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  2. Following Torgo's Escape...
    1st of Mirtul, 1462 DR
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