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5th of Tarsakh, 1462 DR


by The Hand of the Drumskulls Bihx

Tuvraina has given us a mission to find a ship called the Bloodeagle. It's set to port in Cliffmont in 1 week. There is a chest onboard that Tuvraina wants us to procure for her. It'll take 4 days to get there and we'll need to find the chest's key as well. Torgo will lead Sarven, Myra, and I on this mission.
Torgo snuck away for a while, about an hour. I tried to follow him, but lost him.
We saw Cookie for our rations.
Berry is the only one who has said anything to me about Sam's death. I drank my feelings away for now. There's work to do.
When I came downstairs this morning, Torgo was there already, eating his breakfast. I joined him and he whispered to me: "I need to trust you will be ready for anything as my right hand, Bihx. Raina suspects Sarven and Myralynn may be a problem. We have to watch them. If there is a danger or threat, follow my lead. For now, let's focus on the mission, though." It's insufferable how he calls her "Raina." Honestly, where is the respect?
As we got on the road, Torgo stuck annoyingly close to me. I nearly blew our cover as I forgot to tuck away my Drumskull scarf. I'm mentally kicking myself for that one. How am I ever going to prove to Tuvraina that I deserve to be where Torgo is if I can't even be bothered with a little discrepency?
The bridge just outside the city limits was heavily guarded by the Dawnguard. Torgo was bracing, and maybe hoping, for a fight. I talked him down and convinced him to let me try to talk us through it. Why waste the time and resources on a fight we don't need? I came up with some sob story about my ailing sister and how we were on our way to meet a healer in Bearclaw who had an herb that might save her. They bought it, but still tailed us quite a ways. We got to the crossroads and had no choice but to turn and duke it out with the 4 who'd followed us. But was certainly better than the original 8 at the bridge. I mean, really - what if we'd lost? We could've been arrested! And even if we escaped, the Dawnguard would've sent scouts after us anyway. This is exactly why I should be Tuvraina's right hand, NOT Torgo.
The fight was harder than it should have been since no one could get their shit together. Sarven took out one of the guards and stunned another, but all Myra could do was eat shit and concuss herself. Torgo swung his sword around like a lunatic and hit precisely fuck all. I took a few shots from the ridge above the commotion, then rolled down into a bush and shot a quick Ray of Sickness to finish the fight. Sarven had the AUDACITY to sass me. "Is anyone actually going to do anything here?" he said. Eat shit, bunny boy.
We looted the guards and I picked up some gold and a wand that looks pretty interesting. Torgo pilfered a set of armor. He claims we can melt it down for profit later, but I'm sure he'll be wearing it in a few days, once he's modified it to fit properly. Prick.
DAY 3-4
We've been traveling and camping on our way to Cliffmont. Last night, we were attacked by giant spiders. Luckily, we managed to dispatch them pretty quickly. As a Goblin, creepy crawlies usually don't bother me much, but those bastards were HUGE!
We've reached Cliffmont. Torgo and I checked out the docks while the twins went into town. I asked him about Sam. At first, all he said was some sentimental shit:
"He was a talented bow sniper, and a longtime member. A big loss. It was Myra and Sarvens job to report and watch as lookouts on their last mission..." He hesitated, and then added: "Sarven and Myralynn’s ineptitude and failure to report in time. Raina isn't very happy with them, either."
I'm not sure yet what to make of his blame shifting. I'll need to follow up with the twins and see if I can find out what really happened.
Torgo and I met Loma Kreeves, Cliffmont Dock Master. She'll prove very useful, I think. She said that the boats were all out of whack - arriving early and late, docking where they shouldn't, etc. She was quite stressed, but we convinced her to meet us for a drink later tonight at the Salty Thief. I suggested, as we walked away, that we ask a local where exactly that bar is, so we could be timely for our appointment with Loma. What I meant was, let's just ask nicely. What Torgo did was hoist some poor fool up by his lapel and demand to know. And I thought the scarf thing was a faux pas. As we walked along, he asked:
"Do you want revenge for Samuel?"
"Mistakes happen. We didn't take this job because it's easy...or safe."
"How about some extra money?"
"I've been in this almost as long as you have. When's the last time you needed extra money in this gig?"
"Hm. Well, you're right. This job isn't safe. Like I said, when the time comes, be sure to follow my lead. The key words will be 'Get lucky.' Don't forget."

I just gave him a nod after that. What the hell is he talking about? "When the time comes?" Is he plotting something against the twins? I have to talk to them. And soon.
We met up with the twins and led them to the Salty Thief where I learned from a friendly local that the river trout was the best thing on the menu. After trying it for myself, I have to agree. I snuck away upstairs to investigate the rooms and see if there might be any shinies about. I found a few gems and a potion of fire breath. Handy shinies indeed.
Back downstairs, Loma had arrived and was speaking with Torgo and the twins. They pressed her a little too hard too soon and spooked her. Morons. We followed her to the Dock Master's offices and spotted her through the window. She was writing a note, which we could only assume was to rat on us. We broke in and stopped her on the roof. Torgo's fire elemental cooked the raven right out of the air. Thankfully, I caught it with my Mage Hand and it didn't go to waste.
Upon further questioning, Loma told us she had been writing to Cpt. Ran Swanson of the Bloodeagle to say that someone was asking about her ship. We bribed her for her cooperation and decided to hide out at House Potter instead of the Salty Thief to avoid any suspicions.
Around noon, Potter gave Torgo a note from Loma informing us that the Bloodeagle has come to port. We made our way to the docks to scope things out. I inspected the outside of the ship for weak points and found none. Torgo was hovering, so I gave him some busywork and sent him to find Loma and get her to introduce us to Ran Swanson, Captain of the Bloodeagle.
My inspection gleaned little, but I did note the loading cranes and mooring ropes. Someone of my stature could easily stow away in a crate and be loaded onto the ship. Alternatively, I might be able to scale the ropes and sneak onboard. As I was pondering means of ingress, I saw Captain Swanson headed our way and returned to the group to make my introduction. That's when I learned that Captain Swanson and the twins are already familiar. Good of them to mention it before now...
The captain revealed that the Bloodeagle will only be here for a day or two and agreed to meet us for drinks later tonight. We spoke with Loma about the Bloodeagle's bill of lading, to see if I might be able to pack into a crate and get onto the ship that way. She had only a fake manifest, though. All she could say was that the ship will be loaded after nightfall, so tonight is likely our best, and possibly only, chance to strike. Most of the crew will be drunk. We returned to the Potter House to scheme.
I pressed the twins about how they know the captain. Turns out, she only fucking raised them as her own! There's something askew here and I need to figure out what. Torgo might not be the only one who doesn't return to Goldcrest. It's been ages since I had a good rabbit stew.
Torgo, in all his infinite wisdom, suggested we have the twins meet mother dearest for drinks and tell her that he and I are guarding some goods we came here to retrieve for Tuvraina. Meanwhile, he and I will pull the heist on her ship. I'm uneasy about letting the twins run the diversion. How can we trust that they won't rat us out to Swanson?
I'd rather run this heist solo and take Torgo, and maybe the twins, out on the road back to Goldcrest. Then again, this is the perfect opportunity to get Torgo alone. My odds are a lot better if he has no backup. But there's this "get lucky" nonsense, as well. What the hell does that mean?
Port - left, starboard - right

  • ask twins for a map of the boat, potter gives parchment & charcoal

  • below deck, cargo, crew quarters, kitchen

  • will twins be able to get key off Capt if she has it? yes, probably

  • Torgo and I head to Bloodeagle & split w/twins

  • attempt to scale mooring ropes, Torgo stumbles into a post but guard doesn't notice

  • we climb, but I slip & Torgo catches me

  • we sneak across the deck & pick the capt quarters door

  • Torgo can sense something magickal in the room & around the boat, tells me of a snare trap in front of the chest & key, & glyph of warding on ship itself

  • Torgo takes key & chest in Bag of Holding, picks me up, gives me a secret location (farm district) to rendezvous in a day, and throws me in the water & says keep an eye on twins

  • use Aquatic Adaptation to swim & breathe, escape to a nearby dingy, nearly drowning

  • Torgo escapes

  • I hear Sarven's voice from Bloodeagle, but not sure what he said

  • Torgot and I make our escape, traveling for a few days, when he tells me about the twins' betrayal:

  • "If they had redeemed themselves, maybe, just maybe I'd have reported them as not worth killing, but they proved rainas suspicions right, they were a liability we were gonna have to kill. "

  • Torgo cites past examples of twins double crossing, or suspected of it

  • Bihx asks directly about Sam, and Torgo blames twins, Bihx doesn't know what to believe - he's making sense, but I'm fried & not really processing it

  • I finger my raven skull necklace and stay quiet

  • we're nearing Goldcrest & encounter some other Drumskulls (Ulfberht & Egrith), part of party when Sam died

  • twins & capt Swanson show up, Torgo insists they're at fault for Sam's death, but Egrith says it wasn't their fault

  • we all ready for battle

  • Bihx webs Ulfbehrt, Egrith, & Torgo; Torgo escapes web & attacks others, knows I'm lying about it being a trick

  • Bihx goes invisible and tries to steal Torgo's bag of holding (cut it free w/scissors from Thieve's tools), fails, takes damage, runs away

  • try to get to Tuvraina first, make a break for Goldcrest, I arrive ahead of everyone

  • I tell her everything, she says "I guess we have work to do"
  • Continue reading...

    1. Goldcrest
      5th of Tarsakh, 1462 DR
    2. Following Torgo's Escape...
      1st of Mirtul, 1462 DR
    3. Recent History
      30th of Tarsakh, 1462 DR