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The Hand of the Drumskulls Bihx

Lawfull Evil Goblin (Criminal / Spy)
Artificer 5
43 / 43 HP

Bihx is a mischeivous goblin who loves a good scheme. She is a connoisseur of crime, picker of pockets, and curator of "shinies."

Drumskulls HQ, Goldcrest, Faerun
1st of Mirtul, 1462 DR
30th of Tarsakh, 1462 DR

Recent History

by The Hand of the Drumskulls Bihx

About a month ago, Torgo assigned his top crew, led by Gwendolyn, with a mission. Gwendolyn, her partner Gilbert (both Humans), Sam MacNillis (Human), Berry Evergreen (Gnome), Grimtok (Goblin), Myralynn and Sarven (Harengon siblings) and Raco (Half-Orc) set out. Five days later they returned empty handed and a man short. Sam MacNillis had fallen and his body was with the Dawnguard.
Tuvraina's rage could be felt instantly and intensely and she didn't even need to leave her chambers. Torgo made sure to emphasize it for everyone but it was really redundant at that point. For days, whispers spread and soon Myralynn and Sarven were being blamed for Sam's death. The mission was to ambush a dragon in its lair, kill it, harvest it, then bring back its eggs and whatever treasure it left behind. According to Gwendolyn and the rest of her crew, Captain Balthazar of the Dawnguard showed up with a group of recruits shortly after they set the traps in the lair.
According to Gwen, Myralynn and Sarven were sent to scout the lair's exit while Gwen and the rest laid an ambush. Just as the ambush was set, Balthazar and his team came upon them in the road and there was no sign of Myralynn or Sarven. Sam was struck down and Gwen quickly realized they were overpowered. She ordered the team to retreat and started making their way to the rendezvous spot when Myralynn and Sarven appeared. Hiding out for two nights in one of the Drumskulls drop houses, Gwen grilled the twins about what happened and where they were and got a nonsense story about how no one ever came out of the lair.
"They were probably screwing around doing some weird rabbit people shit, not paying attention. If they had gotten back in time Sam wouldn't be dead and we'd've cleaned out that damn lair."
Not long after that, Torgo, Myralynn, Sarven, and I took off on a mission, details unknown. For a week, it was business as usual. Burglaries, pick-pockets, monster slayings, black market deals...all things that keep the Drumskull hoard happy and flush. At the end of that week, I returned, haggard and alone. When I entered the tavern, I didn't acknowledge anyone. I rushed up to Tuvraina's chambers. The tavern was filled with tension and quieter than usual as everyone waited to see what would happen.
Hours later, Eiour came down with two new bulletins. One with Torgo's likeness declaring him an outlaw to be captured on sight with a bounty of 100 GP. The other with Myralynn and Sarven's likenesses declaring them outlaws to be killed on sight with a reward of 50 GP each, with proof. Eiour then turned to the tavern inhabitants:
"There will be an announcement tomorrow morning followed by a feast."
She then headed into the kitchen and the tavern burst with life once again. Speculation as to what the announcement could possibly be, what happened, what Torgo did, etc. ran wild through the Drumskulls ranks.

Bihx's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Goldcrest
    5th of Tarsakh, 1462 DR
  2. Following Torgo's Escape...
    1st of Mirtul, 1462 DR
  3. Recent History
    30th of Tarsakh, 1462 DR

The major events and journals in Bihx's history, from the beginning to today.

New favorite, bitches! (points to Lord Bloodworth)

1st of Mirtul, 1462 DR

If you ever get a bounty for his [Grimtok's] head, let me know."

1st of Mirtul, 1462 DR

You can't guard gems if there are no guards...

1st of Mirtul, 1462 DR


1st of Mirtul, 1462 DR

Following Torgo's Escape...

After returning from Cliffmont and confessing everything to Tuvraina, she dismissed me from her chambers and asked me to return after I had bathed and rested. I grabbed fresh clothes from my room, then headed for the bathroom where I soaked for a good...

01:39 pm - 21.06.2023

Recent History

About a month ago, Torgo assigned his top crew, led by Gwendolyn, with a mission. Gwendolyn, her partner Gilbert (both Humans), Sam MacNillis (Human), Berry Evergreen (Gnome), Grimtok (Goblin), Myralynn and Sarven (Harengon siblings) and Raco (Half-Orc) s...

01:38 pm - 21.06.2023


DAY 1 Tuvraina has given us a mission to find a ship called the Bloodeagle. It's set to port in Cliffmont in 1 week. There is a chest onboard that Tuvraina wants us to procure for her. It'll take 4 days to get there and we'll need to find the chest's key...

01:37 pm - 21.06.2023

Bihx conducting Drumskulls business

12:21 am - 20.06.2023


02:02 am - 19.11.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Bihx.