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Fri 22nd May 2020 04:52

(#35) 2020-04-05 Blue Alley

by Andryn Stormpeak

2020-04-05 Blue Alley
After the Cassalanters, we go back to the Gilded Compass, to tell Varric and see about Holg's funeral. Varric is more solumn than we've seen him before. Andryn apologizes, says we couldn't do anything, she didn't know what to do.
"Sometimes shit just happens," says Varric. We'll have a funeral maybe next week, after the watch releases the body.
We give him an update on our investigations into the nimblewrights, our leads, and what the Cassalanters wanted. We discuss the oddness of them asking us to find a giant pile of money for the price of less money. As we understand it now, the kids will lose their souls in a week if we don't find all this money.
"I guess she's counting on you not to be assholes," Varric says.
"People get feelings about children, I can't explain it, but I've observed it," Cameron says.
Varric doesn't know much about the son's disappearance. They are a big family in money lending. He'll see what he can find out.
To the Yawning Portal!
Durnan guestures to us, tells us a tiefling kid was here looking for us, said to send you home.
To home!
Squidly and Jenks are hazing Martrem with crabapples. Nat is catching the crabapples and signing angrily. Martrem says it's not that bad. Andryn grabs up crabapples.
There are two guards waiting for us, sent by Lord Cassalanter. They have the scroll.
When we ask about who delivered it, they get awkward (the woman embarassed; the man offended by her embarassment). Icantha said the letter was delivered, promise not to rat us out. She doesn't work there anymore though. She decided to become an adventurer.
They describe Icantha as an elven woman with dark hair and pale skin, and hooked nose.
We read the letter.
Back to the Yawning Portal!
Andryn asks about finding diamonds to buy if possible.
We ask about Icantha. Bonnie says she was talking about going to the blue alley with her crew: a human man Ander and then nice little dwarven girl, Chavara.
"What's the Blue Alley?"
As we are talking, Mirt (loud, boisterous man) says, "You all talking about the Blue Alley? It's a death trap to be sure, but if you're heading there, I might have some work."
Mirt is a famous money lender, famous, once a Harper. He tells us the Blue Alley was made by a mage, full of tricks and traps, and treasure: including a small unicorn sculpture. "250 gp to bring it back to me." He won't tell us what the unicorn does though.
When asked about the Cassalanters, he says they are philanthropists and make donations to temples to Lithander (god of good and sunshine) and Siamorphe (demi-god of nobility's responsibility to rule).
We head to the Sea Ward, to find where the glittering blue cobblestones.
There's a force field and a podeum with a book. Icantha and her crew's names are in there, crossed out. We can't get past until we sign our names too.
There's creepy skeletons and murals, arrows labeled silver and gold.
Runt points out how quiet his leather armor is.
A voice only Cameron can hear says, "Entertain me!"
Runt starts dancing.
There's a room with a solid bronze statue, labeled, "The Wizard Kellior." Scrawled on the wall is "Utter madness, pure RUBBISH."
"Well, do you have a riddle form me?" the statue asks.
We give him one.
Five creatures secreting oil run in: boggles. They attack, creating puddles and popping in and out of existance. Andryn casts Gust of Wind that doesn't really do what she meant. The boggles hit our legs with their little fists, and we battle. Runt dances and fighst, getting stuck and still dancing. We fight until the boggles are defeated.
"Do you have a riddle for me?"

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