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Sat 23rd May 2020 11:24

(2019-12-01 Waterdeep Liar's Night

by Andryn Stormpeak

2019-12-01 Waterdeep Liar's Night
In the aftermath of our giant fight, we rest and loot, getting giant-sized: 6 toes, 1 heart, 5 rations (1 = 10 days), and 1 greatclub (2x size 8x weight). Also, a sterling silver bowl and wedding card.
The next day we pass more of those cairns. Are they secret goblin code? Ordinary stones? No idea.
Liar's Night at Waterdeep. We put on our masks and head toward the manor, but we get blocked by the parade. While city watch marches by, we spot Caelynn. She's made us masks too.
The "Sea Maiden's Fair" procession goes by with an owlbear and a unicorn. Then, a stilt-walker from a carnival on the Pier of Wonders. A dwarf gets shot out of a cannon. A mechanical beholder with steam and tentacles go by. There's a joint presentation of the Temple Gone and House of Wonders, with ribbons of water and a mechanical clockwork fish. Then, avarial throwing candy to kids.
It is all very cool.
Fool's gold is thrown from balconies. We learn the hard way that Liar's Night means kids steal your coin. No one carries real money. Cameron traumatized a kid by levitating him, then tinkers coins that say, "we're all gone" in a high voice and puts them in Runt's money pouch.
At our house, we overhear talk of fixing up the place, then, "do you think it's really still haunted?" They turn awkward when they see us.
Inside, construction is done. We just need furniture and equipment.
Caelynn tells us she killed a giant rat and a giant toad. Runt panics. Also, a crawling hand in the attic. No news on our poltergeist friend, but a portrait in the attic did some weird stuff: a creepy lady appeared.
Cameron introduces Caelynn to BB8, his pet hostage. BB8 lunges at him with a dagger.
A specter appears in the far corridor and races to us screaming, then disappears. "Fascinating!" We hear vague laughter.
We find paintings in the attic that weren't there before. One is of Trollskull manor, with a woman and two small children walking inside the house. She is smiling at the viewer. Caelynn says this is the one that was super weird. Cameron gets only a faint magic aura. It's vaguely unsettling.
Andryn confirms the house is totally frog-free.
We go to the Yawning Portal, where we see Durnan and the sad guy named Jalester. We order some drinks.
The portal itself is 40 feet across and 100 feet deep. Very dark. A rope and pulley system can lower people down. No one has tried it since the troll, but some nobles are considering it tonight.
Runt is reading the broadsheets. "Meadery Mischief?" article tells of the Stoutfellow farm accusing the Snobeedle family of interfering with their crop with magical means. Also, the Snobeedle's son, Dasher, has gone missing, with a large reward for information.
We talk to Jalester, wish him a happy liar's night and sort of collectively flirt with him (according to Cameron). He mostly remembers us from before.
He tells us there's a one gold fee for going down the portal. "I can’t recommend going down into the portal," he says. "Not many people have come out, if at all." He gets a thousand yard stare. "I’ve already lost so much."
Khajit buys him another zzar.
He tells us gossip: there's a fair at the docks. Some people saw the black viper, but the black viper was around years ago and is dead probably, so people don't know what they're talking about. There was a fight a week ago between Xanathars and the tombraiders. Durnan gave them a big talking to.
We tell him about Trollskull Manor. Stop by any time!
People start to chant, "Dip! Dip! Dip!" as Durnan gives two young men a silver bell. People cheer and sing, "Deep and dark down below, where only fools and mortals go" as they're lowered down. Bets are placed.
Durnan yells last call.
Back in the bar, the guys brag about the scary stuff they saw. Runt asks Durnan, who doesn't think we should go down ourselves (not that he doesn't think we're capable). So, we head home to Trollskull, while people enjoy the last bit of Liar's Night.

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