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Tue 11th Oct 2022 08:48

The World of Ice and Trolls

by Nora Pandost

We've just left a world of ice that we barely survived. Fortunately, our team is creative and Mist and Ulfgar immediately started creating a wall of ice to shield us. I was able to help with the goal of finding firewood with Tensor's floating disc and a recently learned reduce spell. When the weather finally settled we attempted to explore to discover civilization. Luck was not with us though as we stumbled upon two large snow tigers and a large troll. I attempted my chronal shift ability that I learned last week. Unfortunately, it didn't turn out the way I hoped, but it did give me a chance to use the flip side of that reduce spell and enlarge an actual creature! That ended up working out great! I also dealt the troll the killing blow. I feel slightly better after my abject failure on our first mission. Fortunately, we also survived the stench of the troll's cave where we huddled for safety until the portal reopened. Mist attempted to explore more by flying above the ravine now that the storm had stopped. From a far distance she saw a dragon flying. There is definitely more on this plane to explore, but not anything that we are equipped to deal with right now.
The infuriating part was that when we returned the members of the council that met with us were angry that we didn't attempt to communicate with the troll or the dragon. They equip us with no tools and then expect us to face creatures that don't speak our language and are trying to kill us without defending ourselves. "Oh, hello massive dragon, the weather here has almost killed me, but I was wondering if you would like to take some tea and discuss the differences in our worlds." I can't contain the anger I'm feeling right now. I love the chance I'm getting to see things that others never have, but I'm beginning to wonder if I have made the right choice in joining this project. I believe the council's goal is to have a longer list of dead teams. I guess its up to us to make sure we survive.

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  1. The World of Ice and Trolls
  2. War and Poorly Executed Deception
  3. HyperDragons!