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Tue 17th Jan 2023 03:11


by Nora Pandost

I met a dragon today!!!! I watched it hatch and then grow from a baby to a massive adult dragon in a matter of minutes. It was terrifying. Then it turned to attack our group, but I was able to cast Suggestion AND IT WORKED!!! The Hyperdragon (this is what we named it since it grew so fast) immediately turned and flew away. I would have loved to suggest that it be friends with us so that I could have spent more time studying it, but that seemed too risky at the time so I went with the simplest option. At least all that time spent learning Draconic wasn't for nothing. IT WAS SO COOL!!!
We also brought back a ton of Siberys shards. The council was very excited about it. We probably should have been compensated better, but at least they are going to use them to continue to develop tech to make the portal safer instead of selling them.