Great Isis, Give Me Strength by Radiance | World Anvil

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Tue 18th Feb 2020 02:41

Great Isis, Give Me Strength

by Radiance Eme Omrin

Dear Mother and Father,
I have found them...Iltiari smells like the backside of an oxen and I was unprepared. And they were a large group. They had found me fighting off goblins on a patrol. Luckily I have scared them off. But...maybe I should have.
Instantly Iltiari threw up on Rimaia...those two and Hail seem to bicker...that's not usually fun. There is a child that reminded me of myself when I studied. You would love her father she is adorable...but needs assistance.
A Yuan ti. I had saved her life. I was ready for Isis to take me back as fate intended but the child healed me. She also asked too many questions, that small genasi. I think my defensiveness drove her away. Probably for the better.
I think my first impressions of Iltiari were....slightly incorrect. For a fallen Aasimar with a cleric and another paladin! It is such a group pf people. That Bell was somewhat right I suppose. The elf is handsome.
He speaks dwarvish and logical, maybe someone I can confide in if I end up needing assistance and am distrusted by everyone. I despise joining large groups that ask too many questions. They seem to have a strong bond which is good. I may be able to at the very least apologize to Iltiari....if the dragonborn can get passed the smell then so shall I.
Their powers were impressive though. Maybe they are of some help...I just have to make sure they do not harm my sister. I will return her soon I promise.
Hopefully my time with this group is shortened before my death or before they see my face. They have already seen my power and I do not want to loose the only connection to her I have left.
We also helped a druid.
Isis has plans for me, for she has led me to that elf and her friends. It must be her biding. Maybe...
Little Eme
P.S. Isis please don't smite me I am just very confused.

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  1. One Step Closer
  2. Great Isis, Give Me Strength
  3. I Miss Tazra
  4. So...