I Miss Tazra by Radiance | World Anvil

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Sat 29th Feb 2020 06:11

I Miss Tazra

by Radiance Eme Omrin

Dear Mother and Father,
I have good news and bad news. Bad news...I think everyone is warming up to me but now I am like a "grunt"? Also, the Yuan Ti Zsoana was threatened by other pirates who were massively drunk...Rimaia is very violent and very pushy...she should just learn from Damiel and be a little more calm.
Iltiari and for some reason Hail and...a chicken? Went into the void to sulk...I bought them two baguettes and a brie. We are still on the search for Tazra but we put that on pause for now.
We investigated who wanted her dead...and Rimaia violently harrassed the pirates who were hired to kill her. I stole some of their coins because...well...they're pirates. Isis forgive me.
Turns out the person who hired those pirates to kill Zsoana was her little brother. How sweet! I hope I find Tazra and we can make up like that.
She ended up sending him to work at the docks in a shop nearby! And no one died!
Good news: We got a ship! It belongs to Zsoana of course but oh how I missed sailing!!!!! I even got a little crown of confidence just in case I feel down. I do have some worries though about our group...and sailing...but you know what, I'm going to put a pin it it.
P.S. I know that when I say put a pin in it it means my anxiety has risen....it has tremendously.

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