That's not a moon... by GPK-612 | World Anvil

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Sun 25th Oct 2020 10:53

That's not a moon...

by GPK-612

Macro and Arc were working on their magical flamethrower so Zee and I decided to head to Oford for a mining expedition while checking on Respolis as we passed by. Respolis was actually in ruins, completely burnt down to be exact. Meanwhile Oford changed their entry requirements for the mine, 40 gold per person for 2 hours after which they teleport us out. We found a little bit of Mithril, and not much else except a Khyber crystal. A greater Khyber crystal. A 12 ft tall greater Khyber crystal. I just hugged that crystal until they teleported us back up to the surface and called it a day, the trip was worth it.