Finally solved our robot problem. by GPK-612 | World Anvil

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Sun 18th Oct 2020 09:10

Finally solved our robot problem.

by GPK-612

We were sent home from Griffon's plane of existence. Not to Fazu, but to our home in Krey. The Tortle fell down a flight of stairs in his excitement (didn't know he liked being home so much), and Carnan helped him set up the cannon on the Iron Defenders shoulder. Once that was done, we headed out immediately to finish what we set out to do. MPN was going to die, and now that we could find him we needed to finish it quickly.
He wasn't in Maapham, the town seemed fairly safe, but given the events of last time we left quickly. Zreim on the other hand was on fire, I wonder who could do that?
We left our carriage at the edge of the Zreim and made our way past the crying and hysterical townspeople. There was a circle of flames in the center of town, it didn't feel hot and the ice from my Ring of Ice did nothing to it. Arc stepped through and I immediately heard a shout followed by a shot from his revolver. Zee and Macro also stepped through, I followed suit a few seconds later only to find Zee having been impaled by MPNs trident. I unloaded some spells upon MPN while Arc pulled Zee to safety before coming back to help us defeat him. The cannon on the robot blew up after Macro overloaded it, destroyed the robot in the process but luckily Arc and I were able to take MPN down before anyone else had a near death experience. Upon his death the black shadow floating above MPN screamed and disappeared, and the illusion was dispelled. What illusion you ask? The entire town was an illusion apparently. MPN didn't harm anyone, there were no burning buildings nor a ring of fire in the center. He was just in the center of town waiting for us without harming anyone as he had previously, I'm not quite sure why. This entire experience is fishy to me, as if someone set it all up and WANTED us to kill MPN.
We hauled the body back to the carriage, and I sent a letter to Thanis to inform him of our success before we headed back to Krey. After delivering the body to Krey we opened a portal to Thanis' home and went through. He didn't seem surprised by our success, instead he seemed more exasperated by how long it took us. Now he wants me to teach at a new school, why he would want ME to teach I'm not quite sure but I'm not going to oppose someone who could obliterate me in seconds. I'm just glad we finally dealt with MPN, that's one less being actively trying to kill us.