Why do I always have to clean up after these morons? by GPK-612 | World Anvil

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Sun 27th Sep 2020 06:46

Why do I always have to clean up after these morons?

by GPK-612

I have been advised by my Tortle friend to begin recording everything, else I lose everything upon encountering a creature that can erase mine. This is fair as the main weakness of Warforges appears to be our memory. Note; my hypothesis may be skewed due to lack of data, will experiment later.
This morning the Tortle fed his idiotic mercenary one of his Dragon Shards. Waste of a shard in my opinion, but it doesn't matter. Once I had prepared my spells for the day we left to find our client, better to get this over with early in case Thanus sends word of how to track MPN. Phil wanted to explore immediately, I approve of that decision. We had previously explored all corridors, and fully looted the left and middle ones, all that was left was a Sarcophagus behind the puzzle down the rightmost corridor.
Behind the hidden door we found another Warforged, known as Arc we later found out. I dragged him into the room to get a better look at him, he lacked his Core. After some discussion with the Tortle, he decided to try and place one of his Dragon Shards within the Warforged; it woke up. Apparently he doesn't remember how he got into this tomb (noticing a trend here), all he remembers is leaving his hometown for a reason he did not disclose. I offered to guide him out of the tomb, but he decided to explore the rest with us (wouldn't be my first choice, but I can respect it).
We continued through the hidden door, and down into the Sarcophagus room within which we found the six undead Archeologists kneeling before said Sarcophagus. They didn't respond to non-living stimuli such as the Tortles constructs, but seemed to respond to Warforged presence when Arc and I stepped into the room (Note: I suspect they respond to souls, and as the constructs don't have complete souls they can't detect them). As I contemplated how to approach the situation Arc decided to take matters into his own hands and attack one of the undead, they obviously didn't appreciate it. Thus began a chaotic fight where everyone floundered about while I cleaned up their mess with my fire spells, fucking idiots. A Mummy Lord leapt out of the Sarcophagus shortly after the fight began (big surprise), I cast Fireball to wipe out the useless trash around it, and my party of morons were close to finishing it off, but then it destroyed the floor dropping us into a pit. The very pit I am currently falling in as I record this within my mind to reproduce as a physical copy later. I blame Arc, why do I attract idiots.

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