New Ship, Who This? by Corellia | World Anvil

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14th of Eadriscus 1301

New Ship, Who This?

by Corellia Emberfin

Welp, we tried to carpet bomb a ship....and the kobold missed every shot. Honestly it was funny, then he fell off the ship we were fighting on twice! Though I couldn't laugh in the moment as for a second I really thought I was a goner. I found a burst of adrenaline though and pushed. In all we took out an Ogre, a Druid, the captain of a ship, and took Silver King's first mate captive. Through all that, we commandeered their ship and now we have a much better vessel.
Honestly, my biggest defeat of the day was not being able to pet Rumkeg's pet, Tooth, and the damn bird did it no problem? Maybe it's because I'm part fish and Tooth is part Shark.
For helping Rumkeg though, he paid us 9,000 gold and he's going to find us a well trained crew and a first mate. But that will take about a week to get, and we're going to have to temporarily hire a new crew so that we can continue on the bounty for Scurvy. As of now, that is the plan.
May the waves of Eadro guide you

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  5. New Ship, Who This?
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