Redeemed by Corellia | World Anvil

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Sun 28th Apr 2024 03:05


by Corellia Emberfin

Boy, it's been a wild

Continue reading...

  1. Corellia Emberfin
    7th of Eadriscus, 1301 AC
  2. Helluva Way to Start a Journey
    10th of Eadriscus, 1301 AC
  3. The Need for Rapport
    12 of Eadriscus 1301 AC
  4. A New Friend
    13th of Eadriscus
  5. New Ship, Who This?
    14th of Eadriscus 1301
  6. The Bounty for Hex; pt 1
    15th of Eadriscus 1301
  7. Meeting with Clarissa
    16th of Eadriscus
  8. Planar Battles
    16th of Eadriscus
  9. Battle Between Gods
    16th of Eadriscus
  10. Out of My Way
    17th of Eadriscus
  11. Internal Strife
    17th of Eadriscus
  12. Redeemed