The Bounty for Hex; pt 1 by Corellia | World Anvil

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15th of Eadriscus 1301

The Bounty for Hex; pt 1

by Corellia Emberfin

Not much to say today. We started off by shopping back at Daggin's and I got myself a gnarly belt. I've always been good at talking, but now with the flare from the belt, it allows me to distract and beguile my enemies making my attacks more potent.
After that though, we simply set sail for Looter's Cover so we can help Scurvy finish his bounty on Hex and not get keelhauled by the Silver Rounds Guild for failing to collect. On our way we encountered a ship wreck. There we found some sharks and I finally was able to summon the effigy my mom told me about. That thing is dope and going to really help me in my future battles. We collected some gold then went on our merry way.
The day ended with us sailing into Looter's Cover and getting met by a Gith and his ship. The gith's name was Oseidus and we was kinda a cryptic prick. He demanded to board our ship, which at first we weren't having it. But we eventually realized we were boutta be blown out of the water if we didn't. So we relented and got a bit dodgy bout why were there. Arves eventually just relented on told them we were there for the bounty on Hex. At that point, Oseidus' demeanor changed and began to give us some helpful advice about Hex. Now.....we just gotta kill her.
May the waves of Eadro guide you

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  6. The Bounty for Hex; pt 1
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