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Fri 11th Jun 2021 06:35

Session 15: Out of the Fire and Brandished a Heretic

by Marya Somnatia

As if finding out that all your suspicions about the man that ruined your life were true and all that evidence being destroyed wasn't enough. Now the Arbities are here to arrest us, because of course they are. I mean, it's difficult to blame them given the only witnesses to the events that are still breathing. But I'm at my wits end and I don't know if I can hold on to my sanity much longer. I'm doing my best, but I feel that my walls are crumbling and the truth is going to come out no matter how hard I try. But for now we have to deal with this idiot wearing a ridiculous hat.
I've been accused of Heresy before, this is nothing new and I've been innocent before. But now we're to meet with the High Inquisitor on Scintilla for our crimes of working for Rathbone. How funny is that? We weren't working for her so much as just trying to survive her and prevent her from obtaining more heretical artifacts. Which we did on Scintilla so this is very surprising. And then there's the Fracking Titan for Emperor's Sake. But fighting this fate is useless. This guy keeps asking us who's paying us, as if we were being paid.
Veck was uncomfortable leaving the Titan behind, as was I given it had valiantly completed its centuries old mission. As if on que, Veck's mechanicus friends came to claim the Titan and to our surprise, Veck as well. I was uncomfortable with this as he would be at their mercy and given the rumors I've heard, that could mean that if we saw him again, he wouldn't be the same. The irony is that the Arbities also didn't want to give him up. Something about not wanting to upset the Inquisition. So there was a war of words and some threats and in the end Veck went willingly with them and we were left to figure out our own fates.
We were shackled and transported to Scintilla. On the way to Scintilla we were given the opportunity to talk a bit. I told them to forget my name, my true name, so that they wouldn't be dragged into that drama as well. Once on Scintilla, we were separated and treated as the criminals they assumed we were. Luckily their attempts to remove Goldie failed as they always do. I needed him to keep me calm and grounded while I prepared for the inevitable. I wondered how the others were fairing especially Braxton as he wasn't used to these types of accommodations. And poor Arathus finding himself in another cage. And how was Yarn fairing without his sleeping pills to stave off his nightmares. And then there's Veck, the unknown situation that all I can do is pray. I pray everyday to the glorious Emperor, not for myself, but for my, as Veck would put it, cohort. My fate was sealed long ago and if the Emperor sees that my time is up, then so be it.
Some time later the trial, if you could call it that, began. It was more of a witch hunt and we were guilty by association, quite literally. Given that my mind was not in the most stable places, I forgot my place. Once I was accused I adamantly defended myself with no regard for myself. I think that in my mind I felt they were going to kill us regardless as they were looking for a scapegoat for the destruction of the Gilded Cathedral