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Sat 13th Feb 2021 12:47

Session 1: An Uncomfortable Introduction

by Marya Somnatia

Lady Rathbone has chosen me to go on my first official mission and while I am excited, I am also terrified. The group that has been assembled is a rag tag group of individuals with character flaws that directly contradict our mission.
Firstly we have C-14 Veck, the most predictable of the group. C-14 Veck is a reassigned Skitarius from the Mechanicus. After initial evaluations, I will say he is not the average Skitarii. He goes above and beyond to attempt to assimilate into non-Mechanicus society and can be agitated if given the proper stimulation. My greatest fear with him is his devotion to his inbreed directives that he has not completely clarified with us. One thing that is not questionable is his loyalty to this mission and the directives of Lady Wrathbone and thus indirectly to the members of our group. I am hoping that I can teach him some more acceptable social interactive behaviors and he is willing to learn them as well. For the moment he seems content to commune with the machine spirits of the weapons cache in the armory aboard the ship, but I do hope he takes some time to socialize with the rest of our group so we can for some cohesive bonds.
While I required an extensive evaluation of C-14 Veck, the files of the rest of our group were comprehensive enough to not require such an elaborate ruse. Beginning with the elephant in the room that is trying to hide, Rat did have one character flaw that may cause larger issues that was not noted in his file. Rat, who I've asked to change his name to Arath for social interative reasons, appears to have an underlying distrust of members of the Mechanicus. This could cause a greater rift later as he already has a deep-rooted distrust of our chosen guardian, C-14 Veck. In addition to this slight snag, it is obvious that something else is causing him distress. Given his history, it is completely understandable that he be slightly jittery, but his attempts to disappear into the background appear to mean more. He's secretive and while I was almost successful in getting him to open up, he did shut down in the end. I've made a request that he assist Yarn in learning proper maintenance of his weapon as a bonding activity. This will hopefully help him start to come into the fold rather than remain on the outskirts of our rag-tag group. I have also made him aware that his attempts at "hiding" are actually drawing more attention to himself and he would be better off "hiding in plain sight" as that doesn't draw as much attention to yourself. Personal experience was a driving force within this suggestion, but only time will tell if he will take my suggestions or remain lurking in the spotlight of the shadows.
This brings us to Yarn. He is a very typical low born appearing individual. Rotten teeth, warn clothing, poor hygiene, and poorly maintained equipment, such as his laz rifle and his cybernetic eye, the later of which is being attended to by C-14 Veck. All of these factors are actually nothing more than a disguise of an individual that feels abandoned and betrayed. Just as Arath has issues with the Mechanicus, so does Yarn with the Arbites. Turns out his history is a dark one that involves great loss and betrayal. His parents were members of the Arbites on Fenksworld and uncovered some unsavory activities occurring in one of the local Noble houses. Long story short, he believes that the Arbites were paid off by the Noble family and his parents murdered in retribution. He exacted his revenge by murdering the Nobles, an act that still weighs heavily on him as he didn't actually have proof of their involvement. I'm inferring that from our conversation as he stated that he "believed" they were the one's responsible. I believe that he blames the Arbites lack of action for his parents death and his fall in society. As we have need of the assistance of the local Arbites, this inherent distrust could pose an obstacle.
The final member of our group has been very predictable, the disgraced Noble, Braxton. His behavior is typical of the Nobility that inhabit the Hive worlds of the Calixis Sector. In fact, it's too predictable. I'm not sure exactly what's going on with him, but at the moment I believe he is trying to hide in plain sight and failing. I haven't had the opportunity to speak with him beyond a short conversation so I will do my best to speak with him before we arrive at our destination. While he has been playing the part of the posh Noble, after a bit of teasing, he was quick to point out that he did not arrive in his dapper clothing. This was provided to him by the Lady Inquisitor. This is a behavior outside that of a Noble born and thus confirms my theory. But not all news is bad. He seems to have a good head on his shoulders and is thinking of possible causes for the increased death count even without being prompted to do so. But this lingering secret is still an unknown variable that could cause issues with us achieving our goal on Luggnum.
Overall I feel that we are destined for failure as we are now. We must strive to get past our differences and work together to discover the true cause of these deaths or we may fall victim to its source. Tommorrow is another day and I hope to continue work on creating a more cohesive group.