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Sun 21st Mar 2021 07:51

Session 5: Damnation or Salvation, Only the Emperor Knows

by Marya Somnatia

My injury was beginning to affect me . Veck kindly offered to "staple me up" but I respectfully declined the offer as it appeared that my wound had already stopped bleeding. While my arm was weak, my resolve to get off this fracked planet was stronger and I ignored the pain and trudged forth. We were discussing our current situation with the mysterious Inquisitor and how best to proceed. I believe that there was an old music file that best described our situation. Something like, Genestealers to the left of me, Cultist to the right and here I am stuck in the middle with you lot I believe. The situation was quite dire as we were basically surrounded by heretics and xenos. Arath was able to determine that there was safe passage out of the back of the building and our group set forth on our journey to the Star Port is search of our salvation.
Moving slowly and cautiously through the city, we saw little signs of the war that echoed through the streets. And then we rounded a corner that cruelly illustrated the fates of those on the planet unaware of the schemes surrounding them. Two adults and two children had been ripped apart and their entrails used to decorate the streets for some perverted party. Well we believed it to be two children and adults as the only evidence we could find of the people they were before were some hands and feet carelessly flung around the street. It was a gruesome sight, one that Arath had issues handling and as he was our point position, this was a problem. I tried to comfort him by pointing out that they were with the Emperor now and that there suffering was now done, but I could see the weight of what had happened here weighed heavily on his heart. I then did the only thing I could think of that was appropriate, I said a prayer for their souls to help guide them into the light from the darkness they were thrust into. Hopefully the Emperor was listening that day as no one deserves this fate.
Given Arath's mental state, Yarn took point so that we could keep moving. We came to another building that would work well as a sneaking passageway through on our path to the Star Port. Using his adept skills, Yarn listened at the door to see if the passage way was clear. He heard whispers, but couldn't make out exactly what was going on. At this point, Veck was becoming impatient and broke the door down. This wasn't the best option for a couple of reasons. First, we were trying to sneak around and busting down a door is not a very stealthy maneuver. And secondly, we had no idea what was behind the door. Luckily for us it was a small family. A father, mother and their daughter were huddled in a corner for safety. Somehow they had managed to avoid the violence that was engulfing the rest of the city, unlike the other family or families we had encountered earlier. They were terrified and only wanted our help. My heart went out to them but before I could even say a single word, the father fell dead on the floor. The Inquisitor stated that they were a risk and that this was the best mercy we could give them and then he dropped the mother and the daughter shortly after. I felt sadness and despair creep into my mind, but I shrugged it off and reminded myself of the bodies we had found earlier. I said another prayer over the bodies and we moved on.
Moving through the streets of Lugg City utilizing stealth and a bit of luck paid off as we managed to make it almost the entire way to the Star Port without being detected. Our only visible obstacle at this point was a small patrol of around five PDF troopers. They hadn't seen us yet so we were trying to decide the best course of action to move forward. At this exact time, the Inquisitor cocked his head as though receiving a transmission. Apparently our circumstances had changed. An Imperial fleet had come into the system and started to take out the planetary defense systems . We didn't have the luxury of being cautious anymore. We had to get off this planet and now.
The Inquisitor lead the way and we began to sneak past the patrol. Using the cars and debris around us to conceal our movements, it appeared that we might make it. But it's never that easy. We had been spotted and they were closing in on us. Arath heroically began to lay down suppressive fire for us so that we could find cover and reassess the situation. I managed to find cover and draw my weapon, but a pistol isn't a very effective tool against an armored opponent. Veck, being the resourceful Skitarius he is, managed to get the car we were using for cover started and running. He and Braxton managed to fashion a mobile bomb and launched it at the PDF troopers that were attacking us. This action successfully took out four of the five troopers and gave us an opportunity to run for the Star Port.
As running was not something I could readily do, I asked for assistance from the Inquisitor. Why you may ask? Simply, I didn't wish to bog down any of my team and this ensured that the Inquisitor would stay with us at least for the time being. As we rounded the corner to the entrance of the Star Port, the city around us began to erupt. First there was another group of five PDF troopers running towards us from the other end of the street we were traversing, and the street perpendicular had a Rhino racing down it. And the "secured" Star Port was so secure that the gate was still locked. I feared this was the end, but the Emperor had other plans. The Rhino was full of survivors of the assault on the Arbities including Judge Shira. They blocked the pathway and were staving off something, but at that moment we couldn't quite see. The Judge ordered us to leave the planet immediately and bravely stood to face a foe I had only seen in the distance previously. It was a four-armed creature with huge claws. One of these monsters was enough to make your skin crawl, but the Judge and her fellows were facing two of them. The four-armed monstrosities moved at an unnatural speed and deftness that was both admirable and terrifying. They tore through the brave Arbities and their Rhino as though they were paper dolls.
Meanwhile, Arath, seeing how effective it was the first time, began to lay down suppressive fire again to slow the progress of the PDF troopers. And I'm happy to say that his idea again worked as intended. It was as though the Emperor was smiling down on us that day and saying, "Not today my child, not today." With my pistol in hand, I took a shot and managed to hurt one, but given my current state, aiming was not something I could do well and the hit, while successful, did not stop his progression. Veck tried to convince the machine spirit that was holding the door shut to open it, but his attempts were failing. Again it looked like this was the end. Through the chaos I checked in on the fate of Judge Shira. I witnessed the Judge, who was the only person left standing from her forces, bravely face off against the four-armed creatures. She managed a few good hits with her shock-maul, even managing to remove the arm of one of the foul beast, but in the end she fell like all her companions. She and the Arbities made up for their mistake of not investigating this issue sooner but it did cost them their lives. But I see Judge Shira as a hero as we never would have made it off the planet without her intervention. However, without the Arbities to distract them, the creatures were now focused on us and they were moving in our direction quickly. As if the Emperor himself had ordained our salvation, the door to the Star Port flew off and a shadowy figure emerged from the smoke and debris left in it's wake.
"Get to the ship Inquisitor Christof" the walking arsenal said as it began to tear one of the monsters apart in a hail of gunfire and who knows what else. As we entered the Star Port, I began to understand the definition of "secure" Inquisitor Christof was talking about. Everyone was dead. All the guards, the personnel, everyone, dead. And these were not mercy deaths as Inquisitor Christof had performed on the family, they were violent and harsh. But there was no time to take in these images. Braxton ran immediately to the shuttle, I'm guessing to ensure it was ready to leave immediately and to ensure he was on it when it did. That was expected given his desire to leave the planet earlier, but I could not do the same. I had to retrieve my weapon that was placed in the lockers. It was too valuable and rare to leave behind. Yarn and Veck followed suit collecting their belongings from the lockers before proceeding to the shuttle. I looked to the sky and saw the outlines of many large ships and could see the impending danger. We had to leave immediately. I bid farewell to Inquisitor Christof and the murder bot and boarded the shuttle with the rest of my cohorts and we left Lugg City behind.
This you would think would be the end of the story, but that was not the case. We began to talk. I wanted a consensus on how we were going to approach the other Inquisitor, Christof, with Lady Rathbone. I am of the opinion that knowledge is power and we should keep this information to ourselves unless asked directly about it. I believe everyone is on the same page in regards to that, but I'm not sure that Braxton will actually keep to this plan. Then Yarn asked the question I was curious no one asked before. Who was the deserter? To my surprise, Arath, or as you remember he called himself Rat, stood up and owned up to his crime. Turns out his real name is Thadeous Chromwell and he laid all his cards on the table. I was still fuming at the realization that Lady Rathbone knew what she was sending us into and basically had signed a death warrant for us all if we didn't uncover the plot. I was angry, and furious and quite verbal about it. Braxton then said some snide remark and at this point I knew I had to reward Rat for his candor and enlighten my comrades to my secret. I revealed Goldie to them and explained his peculiar habit of always returning to me. This did not go over quite as well as I had hoped. Braxton was concerned that Lady Rathbone hadn't killed me for heresy yet, but I explained that she wouldn't do that as I am valuable to her. Of course, I didn't reveal the reason I was valuable, but that didn't matter as Braxton interpreted what I said in a completely different way.
Who knew that three grown men would be terrified of an angel doll, but they were. Braxton interpreted what I was trying to tell him as the Inquisitor was incapable of killing me which I never said and tried to correct multiple times. Yarn decided to take Goldie away, with my permission of course, to see this magical disappearing, reappearing act. But given the size of the shuttle I don't believe it will happen. I'm not sure why they are so frightened by a doll that gives a young girl comfort and keeps her feeling safe? I thought that was normal? Ok the constantly coming back to me or to me when I'm in need is somewhat suspect, but Lady Rathbone has explored all avenues and not discovered a reason rooted in dark magics or heretical nature and thus why I am valuable.
Braxton decided he wanted to sleep and took a swig of a drink to help him pass out. Sleep would be nice, but as we are heading into the dark of space I am too anxious to even attempt to sleep and given the new found paranoia that my comrades have toward me, I don't think it's a good idea to drop my guard. My mind is racing. All these thoughts, these lines connecting us, it's enough to drive a person mad. Yes, sleep is not an option especially since we don't know what awaits us at our final destination. I think it's time to say a prayer for the people of Luggnum and prepare to study more.