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Sun 26th Jul 2020 07:38

What comes next?

by Marcus Major

I haven't had that many thoughts recently but now things have picked up today. We finally escaped the island due to a string of encounters that were all kinda mixed bag. I feared for my life for the first time... although it was terrifying at the time after everything passed I felt pretty good. The rush and the thrill of being in danger made me feel more alive than ever. We discovered some kind of abandoned bunker of a civilization that has data that exists before the gap. Really incredible stuff for people who are smarter than me. We did some fighting amongst ourselves (verbally) and against the bunker's defenses (physically) and in the end it all came ahead. What everyone found impressive that was hidden away was the AI inside the bunker, I just kept thinking how there are actual millions of those in Aballon, why is anyone surprised? This AI found a way to ping both Castrovel and the Starstone at the same time. We fought the "Death Fish" that came to eat us but in the end our newfound AI friend saved us before it was too late.
Then the amazing thing happened. This group called "The Starfinder Society" came to rescue us. Well, more to find what the hell was sending messages to the Starstone but it was the best thing I had ever seen! They had a ship, a crew, stories. They all looked SO COOL. These people are the real space cowboys. They go out and find new places never before seen and map them out, finding out the great things that happen in them. Explorers of the newest frontiers just to see what is out there in beautiful space. I want to be them.
As we travelled closer to known worlds and got on their ship we received signal to our phones once again but I don't care about that lame old job punching numbers every day seeing what different set of instructions comes next. I only care about the stars and what's beyond them. To see the true beauty of the unknown... but I'm sort of now stuck with these people until the whole situation gets sorted.

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  1. What comes next?
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