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3500 PA

Omyever hes so annoying!!!

by first mate of the acceptance Cranberries Icicle

“so then with that goat truffle-?”
The wind rattled the branches against the bars of the cell.
Cranberries sighed this wasn't the first time he'd been sentenced to death. But it was the first time he had to wait for the execution with a drunk idiot guarding him.
“Listen can you just shut up.” Cranberries was not quick to anger. He was usually a very patient man. but this man just grated him the wrong way. The slow drip drip drip of the leaking ceiling was driving him mad as he sat waiting to be rescued in this damp dark cell.
“Ohhhh welllll Iiiiii'm sorrrrrrryyyyy! Do you you have someplace To be? He he he hah hahah” he said stumbling around to the bars and yanking Cranberries close to his face. Cranberries reeled away from the stink of liquor on his breath. He laughed for a while at his own joke while Cranberries tried to block out the lunatic.
The man settled down against the bars of the cell and just started mumbling himself. Cranberries slipped closer he overheard “is sand called that because it's between the sea and the land? Are bushes just short trees? What- gck!” Cranberries slipped his knife from the man's neck and snatched the keys through the bars.
“I'm not sure friend but best of luck to you” he strode out of the cell free at last.

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