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3730 PA red waning crescent dark

My sister's alive

by first mate of the acceptance Cranberries Icicle

I woke up and an unfamiliar Felise was hovering over me. I was about to raise the alarm but they put a finger to their lips, shushing me. Curious, I followed them. they led me through the bowels of the ship. I remember hearing the waves lap gently against the side of the boat, Owl fluttered onto my shoulder and hooted excitedly. I shushed him. we creeped up the stairs avoiding the creaky patches. the knowledge this felise had of the layout of the Acceptance was unsettling. eventually, we came out onto the deck. the felise led me down a rope ladder into a boat tied up to the ship, little more than a dinghy. I realized how much easier it would be to be stealthy on such a small boat. Cabbage and Kale were supposed to look out for approaching ships, they'd probably dismissed the small boat as driftwood. the felise was perfect for infiltration, even with my excellent hearing a felise would go unnoticed. in the dinghy is a particle, and a winter elf. the winter elf takes the lead, "It's good to see you brother." this I received like a blow to the face, reeling back and gasping for air. I pulled out a charm I'd never thought would see its other half ever again. I never understood why I insisted on keeping it. Its other half was gone, and so was its owner. but as I lifted my half of the broken silver heart charm. Avalanche my sister lifted the other half, they connected perfectly.
I felt icy tears stream down my cheeks. "avalanche?" i whispered. we embraced like we used to, she was taller than me now. despite towering over my crewmates I was considered short among my people. I laughed, "I have so many questions! how are you alive? how did you survive?"
she handed me an oar, "no time for questions, we need to get out now!"
then i realized this was an infiltration, an extraction, they were here to steal me from the crew.
they didnt seem to realize i was Part of the crew. "ALARM!" I shouted "INTRUDERS!" the particle cursed and Avalanche lunged for me, the look of betrayal etched so painfully clear on her face. i dodged her and grabbed her arms holding her wrists together and tying them up with rope. the felise hissed and clawed at my face i upset her balance by jumping on the edge of the boat and throwing ice underneath her feet.she yelped and fell down the particle exploded a smoke bomb and dove into the water. but by that time the crew was awake and helping "Kadam!" I shouted i pointed to the water. "In the water!" he nodded and dove in after her. in seconds we had all three of them tied up on the deck. the captain was inspecting the three of them with immense pleasure. I got her attention. " this ones my sister" i whispered her eyes widened "They were trying to 'save' me from the crew." she nods surprised but on board.
"take them to the brig, and particle, if you make this a nuisance for us I swear you will never see the light of day again." the particle whimpers but nods. "oh and gag the winter elf." Avalanche was swearing up a storm. hissing about betrayal and never trusting again. the felise was silent, but nobody wanted to get close, she looked as if shed kill you soon as look at you. I took the felise, i was used to getting clawed in the face. after many attempts to take out my eyes, we eventually got to the brig. it was in the deepest depths of the ship, 4 staircases down and through some winding hallways. it was confusing on purpose as to hopefully make escape more difficult. they were all chucked in the same cell, Ppickles dismissed the crewmates helping us. ofc by the time wed gotten to the brig the particle was flirting with Kadam. he was completely oblivious. Ppickles and I set to work chaining up the intruders. Avalanche and I didnt look at each other the entire time. Ppickles took off Avalanches gag, we sat down well out of reach of the prisoners. Ppickles smirked, "so Cranberries tells me your his sister."
Avalanche doesnt hold back her disgust. "I didnt realize, Icicle, that you would stoop so low as to turn us in to gain favor with the Captain. you do realize anything shes promised you is a lie."
I just look at her sadly, "if you really think i would do that, then im dissapointed in you, even for the short time i knew you i thought i made it obvious if anything I am loyal to my family."
Avalanche hissed "what is this then?!" she lifted up her chained wrists.
I leaned in "like i said loyal to my family." i lifted a hand to forestall her questions. "but we arent here for me to answer questions, we are here for you to answer questions. so id suggest you start talking."
avalanche growled "you do not get to change the subject like-"
"why did you infiltrate our ship."
"who are your companions"
"are you a part of the poisoned Orhid?"
"howd you find us?"
Ppickles and I alternate firing questions at them. to no avail, all we get is stony silence. and the occasional cough from the particle who is still recovering from her dip in the icy southern waters. I sigh, and motion to PPickles. usually at this time wed try a mixture of advanced interogation techniques (torture), and manipulation to get our answers. but I had a different idea. I whispered to PPickles outside the brig. "let me try talking to them, I may not know my sister all that well anymore, but i might be able to convince her."
Ppickles nodded "as long as i get to be there, you take the lead."
we filed back in.
"Ill make you a deal, you answer questions and ill answer questions. how about that?"
avalanche lifted her head, "fine but you answer first."
I chuckle, "not a chance, im sorry but which one of us is chained to the wall?"
she glared at me, "you know you can trust me because we need at least 4 questions answered, for all i know you wont hold up your end of the deal." I add
this infuriates her. but she all she says is "what are your questions?"
"Why did you infiltrate our ship."
"to extract you, I convinced my friends that you would be useful to our little group, I thought you would join us as soon as we got you out."
I nodded "Your turn."
"whyd you betray us?!" the question bursts from her lips, like shed been holding it back.
"depends on your definition of betray, you took a risk when guessing if i was a part of the crew or not. I might've betrayed you, but I view my actions as the least traitorous option. the crew is my family, betraying them wouldve been the worse option in my eyes, than turning in a sister i barely knew." i smirk "I think of this as me introducing you to my new family, especially since we are likely to let you go eventually"
Avalanche raised an eyebrow, "then wh-"
I hold up a finger, "ah ah, my turn."
she glares at me, eventually she spits out, "fine."
"Are you a part of the poisoned Orchid,"
"next question" she grumbles, glaring at me.
i shrug, not willing to press the issue. "What is the names of your companions?"
there is a knock Ppickles opens the door grabs a package, and closes it. I smile a bit as I recognize the package. Ppickles turns to me, "yellow or Orange?"
"Orange now, yellow later." I advise quietly, still trying not to smile. Avalanche is going to hate this.
she nods and sets down the package resuming her mimicry of a mortal sleeping.
I turn back to Avalanche, "Well?"
Avalanche turns to her companions. the particle grunts, "indigo."
the felise stays silent.
the questions go on till we both are satisfied. id seen Oliver use this tactic before. I know it doesnt always work. but today we seemed to have gotten lucky.
a couple hours later im lying in my bed thinking. I get up.
"Oliver, we need to talk," I sent a servant to fetch the captain. I went to the cell that held Indigo, cat lady, and Avalanche. i clicked my fingers. the chains fell off Avalanche. i grabbed her by the shoulder and yanked her out the door she yelped, Probably surprised by the rough treatment. i threw her to the floor in a different cell and set to work with the chains there. she fought me, i had Oliver help pin her while i chained her up.
she glares at me as I work with the manacles. "You gonna torture me?"
"Uh no."
when Ppickle arrives she reviews the setup and joins me and Oliver sitting opposite of Avalanche.
I start, "Oliver, if you hadnt heard this is my sister Avalanche."
Olivers eyes widen but all he says is, "she looks like an Ice cream to me."
I laugh, Avalanche looks very confused. Ppickles explains "we give important people code names."
Avalanche glares at Oliver, "I am not an Ice cream."
I snicker, "maybe ice-cream sandwich?" Avalanche glares daggers at me. "that's beside the point I said. my main questions for the three of you are, why didnt Oliver tell me my sister was alive, did he lie about my parents being dead, do you actually love me or are you just using me to get what you want?" Oliver looked as though he'd been smacked, Ppickles just looked hurt and confused. avalanche huffed looking smug "and are you actually my sister? are you just some descendant, or some other kind of imposter, if you are my sister why'd you take so long to get in contact with me, I haven't seen you for almost 300 years now, what reasons do I have to trust you? how are you still alive, and how are you still young? what's your end goal?"
there was silence, it was Ice-creams turn to look hurt. then from the other cell we heard Indigo shout. "Damn man, you did not hold back."
I laughed "Im not well versed in the whole 'manipulation-to-get-what-you-want' I like everything to be straightforward and blunt."
Oliver began "I dont know why I couldnt find your sister, the only tracks i found leading from the village were the Magic hunters, I slaughtered all of them. yes your parents are dead, that i know for a fact. i found their bodies decapitated." I swallowed but nodded determined not to show emotion. Oliver finished off with "you overestimate my patience, why on earth would I put up with you if I didnt love you? there was no indication that you would come out like this! you were just a nerdy elf! Yes Juniper Berries and I love you like a son."
Ice-cream was about to give her peice, but Ppickles butt in. "cranberries, I dont know why you brought me here," I opened my mouth but she forestalled me with a hand. "But I insist, there is not a person in the whole of Ensors Universe that loves you more than I do. not even Owl could match me. I know you're not ready yet but if youd be willing id be your wife. just say the word Cranberries Ill move heaven and earth for you."
Holy f*ck i wanted to marry her right then. but i felt as though saying anything would ruin it. silence then, "Damn Girl! you go! slay queen!" yells Indigo from the other cell. Ppickles burst out laughing.
Ice-cream impatient added her piece, "Its obvious that you are convinced by the lies they've been feeding you." wow Ice-cream really just chose the quickest way to make enemies right there. Ppickles and Olivedr looked like they were gonna murder her right then and there.
"I am your sister, I dont know why you even asked you know it's true. I survived the massacre because our uncle pulled me away and covered our tracks and scent with icementalist magic. I've survived this long because this isnt my first time onboard this ship." there was a murmur of surprise. "We came onboard and stole some of your chokers. that's also when we found out that dear Cranberries is really Icicle my brother. It was so hard to leave that first trip."
Oliver cut in "what do you mean that first trip? you mean there have been more?!"
ice-cream glared at him "I'm sorry I don't speak monster."
Oliver had to hold me back from slapping her, that little B*tch.
after much swearing and death threats I eventually calmed down. "I couldn't care less if you're my sister, another comment like that and ill rip your tongue out."
avalanche hissed "fine, we've been plotting for much over 300 years on a way to extract you, and-"
"who's we?" Ppickles asks.
ice-cream was obviously holding back another biting retort.
"she's part of the Poisoned Orchid" Oliver chuckles
"Actually, I'm not, the Poisoned Orchid as you know it is dead."
*Shocked silence*
"I was, but now I'm a freelancer."
We all heard the lie. not that my sister is a bad liar.
but she should've realized a dragon, vampire, and winter elf, could spot a lie a mile away.
"So, you're part of a different organization?" I ask.
she started to deny it, but eventually just nodded in defeat.
we soon realized wed get nothing else out of her. now here I am lying in bed. we will drop them off at the location of the Poisoned Orchids old base in an hour. I don't know how I feel about the entire situation. I'm sad that my sister hates my new family, but I'm happy that she's alive. even though she thinks I want to kill her. and she might want to kill me. one thing is for sure. this ship isn't half as safe as we thought it was, we need to step up our game in security.

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  1. My sister's alive
    3730 PA red waning crescent dark
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  5. Fletcher and Cranberries discuss morality
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