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first mate of the acceptance Cranberries Icicle

handsome, 3rd strongest mortal alive, biologically smart, good dad, psychopath

3800 PA
3730 PA

Fletcher and Cranberries discuss morality

by first mate of the acceptance Cranberries Icicle

Fletcher and Cranberries are going out for groceries. Fletcher is pissed that Cranberries just takes what he wants and doesn't pay.
Cranberries compares it to the setup Fletcher had back home, Fletchers little village would provide him with what he needed, and in return he kept them safe. A lot cheaper than funding a whole army.
Fletcher points out that Cranberries doesn't protect people.
Cranberries is like "oh don't I?"
Fletcher like, "no u don't!
U steal food and supplies, u limit peoples knowledge, u assassinate, abduct, and torture who u like!"
Cranberries laughs, "is that what u think?"
Fletcher folds his arms, "that's what I know."
Cranberries chuckles "it's not so black and white. It's all shades of grey.
We assassinate world leaders who are trying to conquer and start needless wars, we abduct and feed on slave traders, hunters, murderers, rapists. We keep knowledge of weapons of mass destruction from the people, so then they can't wipe out an entire country with the press of a button. We may be the villains in this story, but that doesn't mean we are bad people. We take food and other supplies, and in return, we keep the whole world safe from mass destruction."
Fletcher chews on this for a while. "But none of them know how you help them? And while you may help the millions you ruin the lively hood of each individual u rob."
Cranberries smiled sadly, "it may be true that no one knows what we do for them. But that's how we like it. If people knew we were good, then they would surrender so less often. And we also only rob from the rich, we are like Robin hood and hus band of merry men."
Fletcher has never heard of Robin Hood.
So Cranberries describes the entirety of Robin hoods lore to him, when Fletcher returns to his time takes on the name Robin hood. And becomes the legend.

Cranberries's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Cranberries's history, from the beginning to today.

murder, protect, murder

07:57 pm - 04.12.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Cranberries.