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Fri 4th Feb 2022 09:57

Entry Four - An Ending

by Aster Persei

The bottom of the pit was... surprising. We were outside the Ironguard, in the middle of the ocean standing within a long-dead volcano if the memories are correct. Teh Goliath seemed to have died on impact, got himself impaled. Marlo lost an arm and Sunshine chose to save his life for reasons, the other guy was relatively fine and I had to give up two of my berries to wake them up early. Things were strange there and eventually, we made our way up to the top of the volcano, there were weird corpses that showed us memories when we touched them. Telling us the story of a rainbow dragon that fought with a golden one, turns out said dragon had been imprisoned here, stuck in frozen time.
Seeing as it was likely the only way out of the pit, we unfroze the dragon and ended up sending it tumbling off of the volcano, killing it with its prison. Luckily the glass piece it left me with let us leave the pit. Only to find that the bastard Marlo got out too and took his men back to town, leaving us to fend off the night alone. I feel we did the best we could, harvesting a tree and creating a bonfire, setting up guard shifts. I swear I had my eyes out, the stars were guiding me, I was shining brighter than ever before. But the shadows got in and we were under attack. The Ironguard must be messing with my sense of the stars, I was unprepared and could not see this omen coming, I could not see that bad fate in store for me.
The shadows were strong, after everything we had been through they tore through us, I lasted for as long as I could. But nothing I did was enough. They reached me eventually and I fell.
I fell further and further.
I can't see the stars.
I can't feel the stars.
The darkness is encroaching.
My lord... Algol...
Your light... is still so... far away
I... can't... continue...
I... failed... you... everyone...
I... will... join... you... amongst... the... stars...
I will bring paradise

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  1. Entry One
  2. Entry Two
  3. Entry Three
  4. Entry Four - An Ending