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Thu 16th Dec 2021 11:22

Entry Two

by Aster Persei

I've settled into a sort of routine here in the Town of First Light. Wake up, arrive early at the apothecary to get the day's job over with fast, then find a quiet place to continue working on my new star map. I'm designing it after the one we had back in the temple, it was a beautiful thing, the entire night sky depicted on a globe, tracking even the most minute of movements. It was almost enough to entirely replace the night sky. But it's gone now, destroyed when the church attacked us, a beautiful work of art lost to those bastards. What I'm making won't even compare, but it should be good enough for my uses and it will help me honor the memories of those that are now amongst the stars. If I ever finish it, it feels like I'm losing grasp of-
(The proceeding entry appears scrawled and barely legible as if it were written in a great hurry or excitement. The language randomly switching between common, elvish, celestial, and draconic)
I can see Him! I can feel His vermillious light! The ritual reached Him! We did not give it all for nothing, our actions were not for nought, the church failed to stop us! My brothers and sisters did not give their lives for nothing. He is here with me, He is watching over me! He has brought the stars with Him, I can hear their song once again, my path once more has been lit. With His light guiding me, I will finish our great work.
(The writing grows illegible going forwards, filled with praises and prayers towards the stars, as well as what look to be star maps and depictions of the stars)
I don't remember writing nearly half of all that...
Well to put things in a more concise note, on the fourth night since entering the Iron Guard, Algol revealed himself to me. The night sky of this prison is no longer just an empty abyss, now my lord has taken his place and with him is the song of the stars. Once more I can hear their guidance, faint as it is. I am still not entirely sure what this means, is my lord truly within the Iron Guard? Or is this just an extension of his power as he's trapped in his prison? But regardless, I now have his guidance, even if I still do not know how to even start with finishing the great work, I have faith that the stars will guide me to the path onwards. For now, I shall simply look into acquiring more resources, perhaps some allies too.
Hmm, I have signed up to escort that Goliath to the Pit alongside the others that came here with me. They seem like the strong sorts, they may be of use to me.

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