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Sat 3rd Feb 2024 10:21

Session 2 - A New Rat Record

by Gepp

We start moving towards the farms by the river. The farm we need to find is the Yutree farm.
We talk to one of the farmers (Orange baboon Gubal) but he is not the one that put up the note. He is upset that his farmhand Fortress has left without notice and left him with a bunch of work.
Fortress is a young male Dayl with long hair in a bun, workers clothes and linen tunic. We say that we will keep an eye out.
We cross the bridge to the other farm. We meet a Dayl woman with golden hair. She seems to be a new owner of this farm and she was the one to put up the note about the rat problem. He name is Azra.
She says they are in the barn. Strange noises and smells, they attack her crops. At night there are lower grumbles as well.
We start inspecting the barn, and we find a hole in a crate. Rose feels a breeze coming from underneath, and after we move the crate we find a trapdoor to a basement. I also spot tracks towards and from the door, concluding that the rats have their nest downstairs.
We open the door and a terrible stench fills the room. We can hear the rats downstairs.
I light a torch and we descend... Until we are attacked by two swarms of rats!
We defeat them and I managed to kill 18(!) of them, bringing my total rat kills to 78.
We continue down the cellar, the smell getting worse. We find a dead Eidefir, middle aged, looks like a dockworker from the clothes. They have been here a few days.
While inspecting the body and the room, we are ambushed by two giant rats and one talking "rat person".
"Old friend..." it says. Kido replies "New friend...?". That was not the answer they were looking for, and they attack us!
The wererat is immune to non-magical damage so me and Kido can't damage it. Luckily Rose can use her necrotic spores to kill it. I take care of the large rats and bring my rat kills up to 80(!).
Kido knows that the wererats blood could be valuable, so he and I harvest three vials of blood from it. I also harvest one of the rats and take some meat, its skull and the pelt.
After the fight we can see that the wererat slightly resembles the missing farmhand, Fortress. While inspecting the body, an owl swoops in an drops a letter on the body.
Some of us investigate the room while the others read the letter.
"Knight Fortress
The Rooks report "Exodus" a success. You and the other Knights' mission can continue.
Visit the flaming orb in the summer grass. Head to where the sister slumbers on bones of the past.
-The Jeweled General"
Kido finds some loot in the chest and other places, I didn't that much attention from being occupied by the body and the letter.
Kido takes the chest with him up to Azra when we are going to report to her.
She is understandably shocked, but we get 50 gold for our work and Kido gets access to her spare room for some reason.
I jump into the river to clean up, Kido also washes up but not Rose. She really should, she smells a bit.
We go back to the guards to inform them of what happened and to see if they can help Azra with the cellar.
They don't seem interested at all or worried that there was a wererat in town. And they don't want to help Azra.
They would only help if a guard was involved or if the empire were to gain from it somehow.
We show the letter that was delivered to Fortress. They seem interested in that at least, and take our notes.
I talk to Kido about my distaste for how the empire operates, that they are selfish and only help others if they stand to gain something from it.