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Sat 13th Jan 2024 11:44

Session 1 - A new adventure begins!

by Gepp

Me and Cheheri arrive in Blusheaf, in the Apple Docks. It is used for seafaring, while the other docks, the Ghost Docks are used for trade.
After we get off the boat we hear some commotion. Some "wares" have escaped from a ship in the Ghost Docks.
3 Crimson birds and 2 dogs have made their way down the docks and started attacking people. Before we can intervene a person is killed.
Cheheri: 19
Gepp: 16
Kido: 14
Rose: 8
I look expectantly at Cheheri. She draws a card from her tarot deck, and springs into action and I follow suit. We start clocking the dogs.
There are two other travelers that are attacked by the some of the birds. One looks like a rulan with green hair, and he has a metallic arm that magically produces a gem that starts floating around the other person, she looks to also be rulan.. or maybe Queni. They both seem to use magic.
While fighting, the merchant who's "wares" have escaped come screaming that we should not kill them because they are expensive.
While the other travelers are struggling with the birds, while me and Cheheri deal with the dogs and knock them unconscious.
Cheheri then grabs a net from the docks and throws it over the birds to weigh them down. So cool!
Metal arm ran and got two guards, one of which stayed and help deal with the birds, and one who ran over to the Ghost Docks to later return with a cart and cages for the animals. While this happened, the female traveler was knocked unconscious.
We manage to cage the animals and end initiative.
The guards thank us and tell us to come by the barracks close to the Pearl Wharf, its just down the coast.
The merchant approaches us and introduces himself as Yuba Reshnik. We berate him a bit on how he could let this happen. He the cages were well secured and blames dockworkers for not handling the cages properly. Yuba gives us 100 gold as thanks for handling the situation, and wants to bribe us another 100 gold to not mention him to the guards. We take the money but are all quite set on telling on him anyway.
Me and Cheheri start walking to the Pearl Wharf, and tell the other travelers to join us. They seem a bit shaken but walks there with us.
We are stopped by a gubal guard called Karen that tells us that the barracks are off limits for non-guards. But are quickly greeted by the guard that helped us at the Apple docks. He introduces himself as Ponzu and invites us to join him for lunch.
We give him our testimony and mention that Yuba tried to bribe us to omit his involvement. Ponzu gives us 52 gold to split as thanks for our bravery. He asks a bit about us, what we are doing here, where we are going etc.
We now get the other travelers names. The man with the metal arm is called Kido, and his companion is called Rose. They are looking for herbs and plants of some kind. Apparently they were going to Caz'kar'th(!)
I tell them that we came from Caz'Kar'th and wondered what they could possibly want to do there. It's not a place where you go unless you are to deal with the Amber Eyes.
They are a bit unclear on this, Rose says she has a contact in Caz'Kar'th but doesn't know their name and can't describe them. She seems to have lost some of her memories maybe.
Cheheri says that we can help them find these plants, since we don't really have anything specific to do right away. They seem to think that two locals from Caz'kar'th whereas one is part of the Amber Eyes is good enough for them and saves them a trip up north.
-Party is formed!-
Apparently (at least part of) what they need the plants for is for Kido's arm. It hurts and he needs some serious medication. He sought out Rose to help him since she has good knowledge on plantlife. One drug that works is Bane, but it is illegal to own or produce without a prescription.
We start going around town to see if we can find a lead.
Marrow's Tit - General Store:
Cheheri tries to find armor, but they had nothing like that.
Drug Store:
Manned by a red Eidefir called Alen. We mention we are looking for painkillers or herbs that can help, and he has nothing to that degree. He asks us if we can help him collect some herbs for him, and we accept. I ask what the store is called. "Just Drug Store". I think that's very uncreative and ask what he would name that store if he could call it anything. "I suppose 'Alen's'?". I draw a pretty quick and shitty logo for 'Alen's Drug Store' and hang it outside the store.
Blusheaf Inn: We didn't walk in.
Bitten Tail: Tavern.
We read a notice board:

  • Ghosts in Ghost Docks no. 7 Warehouse.

  • Farmer wants to kill rodents eating their crops.

  • Pirates spotted in North Gnok Bay.

  • Highwaymen on the road to the Imperial Celebration in Wat.

  • There is an Imperial celebration taking place in the capital Wat. we hear some excited voices about it. A big celebration for the emperor and empire.
    Kido gets a reading from Cheheri.
    We each take a little time to scope out the city.
    Cheheri does reading for the people and earns some coin.
    I draw a picture of the epic battle at the Apple docks. Not my best work, tried a more dynamic style (9).
    Kido takes a rest on a bench.
    Rose tries to talk to a rat and gain information about the farmers place. It doesn't go so well and the rat pukes.
    We hear that a new mother president has been elected in Bes.
    We start moving out of the city towards the farms, and decide to camp out under a tree and bushes that I find.
    Rose gets a reading from Cheheri.
    We make a fire and Rose serves us tea made of Blackroot. We get stupidly high. Kido and Cheheri get nauseous.
    We talk about various things and I tell them about my mission to kill a dragon. I assure them that this is a long term goal and I'm in no rush to do it. I'm looking to get stronger and find strong allies that can help me. I think they are to high to realize I mean them.
    Cheheri talks about the stars to our new companions and how they always show the way.
    Kido has pretty recently lost his arm and got this replacement prosthetic. He can't really remember exactly what happened. He used to be a musician but it's hard now with the prosthetic.
    Rose seems to have lost part of her memory. She says she has a "Big mask to fill" whatever that means.
    They ask me what is the coolest monster I've killed. A manticore I was part of the expedition and shot a few arrows at it, so I was more part of killing it and not the only one doing it.
    After some drunken jabbering we fall asleep except for Rose, who goes out into the woods and comes back bloody.
    We take long rest, and wake up the next day, ready to deal with some rats!