I heal Leo on the last leg on the journey.
Dan catches up and tells us he has been following us since the vampire attack, I'm glad I decided to leave his horse behind for him now. He has a copy of the hard drive so we don't have to hunt David for that. Although I want some retribution for his abduction of me, I want him brought to some kind of justice.
When we reach Madtown the airship is parked in a designated area, there is an armed guard surrounding the parking area. It is very clear that the town is set up for defence. The plan is that Leo will play himself (a rich kids who is obnoxious with bodyguards and servants) the idea of this is to glean the information we require and get the supplies we need. Before we depart the ship the sheriff boards, tells us the rules of the town: no collation tech, no trouble, no mega damage weapons. Dan leaves his weapons on board. Leo pushes past the sheriff and strides into town, the group has no option but to follow. I apologise to the sheriff for his bad manners.
The team visit the "Techno Cave" I stand outside with Dan. There are juicers and techno enhanced (TE) beings all drinking.
An overwhelming pain shoots through my head, I fall to my knees holding my head. Visions of the back of David's head swim through my vision, he is in front of the federation of magic, I hear dice rolling, music and the tinkling of glasses . Dan doesn't notice i have had a "moment" He is watching a group of juicers and TE take a couple of less enhanced beings by force. Leo sees this as he leaves the Cave. He follows them, we follow him toward an alleyway, Leo calls out ..... Combat