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Mon 6th Feb 2023 12:32

Second Letter to Home.

by Fip

Dearest Mother,
In my last letter I told you about a person that died. Well just this week we run into someone that knew her and wants to join our little company. After a few days of taking easy, we received our first real job request from the mother company. We were tasks with delivering some supplies to a near by village. The trip there was mostly uneventful except for two incidents on the way. First and most alarming was we got attacked by two archers that are hunting two of our company. The one we let live heavily implied that those two are changelings. One of the two denied it and the other we have not got to talk to them about it yet. I have no problems with changelings but it would be nice to know for sure if they were or not. The other event was a little surprising. One of our company made friends with a minic we ran into in an old abandon house. We almost let her keep it but the minic ran away from her. It was one of the strangest things I have ever seen because she was petting it and not getting stuck to it. Once we reached the village we were delivering the supplies to we found out that they had been having things missing and asked us to look into the matter. After asking around a little we were led to a tomb outside of town that might be where the cause of the problem was coming from. This was a strange tomb. It had many sets of leavers that if you pulled them wrong you were teleported outside the tomb. We also got attacked by a few ghosts like beings but they were nothing we could not handle. We did run into a problem later in the tomb when we had two other puzzles to figure out. One was a riddle that had to put something back together. It was a little hard but we solved it. The next was more of a problem. It was a room with a dish in it and it had another riddle that I figured out quickly was about teeth. It needed a tooth to be put inside the dish to open the door. We had not extra teeth sitting around so we had to decide who was going to lose a tooth. I thought we should put it to a vote and everyone voted I would be the one. The next thing I still cannot believe. Our companion that befriended a minic turned herself into a pair of pliers that they used to pull out one of my back teeth. It still hurts from when they did it but it will be okay. Finally we find out who had been stealing from the village. It was a pack of feral gnomes. They are the most discussing things I have ever seen. Just a group of five gnomes eating, sleeping, and soiling themselves all in the same room. They truly are feral beasts that need to be put out of their misery. Even while writing this I can still remember the smell in that room. I was happy to have been able to put two of them down with my magic. I want to thank you again for the diamond earing. Without the magic I can cast because of it, I would not have been able to get as far as I have with this group. I do have some good news to report. This week I will get back into my alchemy and spell scroll writing. I have not done any of that since Strixthaven. Also my company gave me some drinking money because I gave up a tooth. So it will feel like I am back at Strixhaven a little because I will be working on those things during the day and drinking in the evening. I wish I had more to report at this time. I am still not so sure about these new friends I have made. We will see what becomes of them. I miss you and father so much. Please tell him I am okay and that I am working to restore my name.
-Your son,
-Fip Goldscale.