Seventh letter to home. by Fip | World Anvil

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Sun 10th Dec 2023 08:15

Seventh letter to home.

by Fip

Dearest Mother,
In my last letter I quickly told you that I would be traveling to wild space for the company. We got hired to pick up an object from another planet. We got asked to get a golden fleece from a planet called Theros. I am sorry I did not put many details into that letter but we were rushed to get on with the mission. I have told my friends about the problems yall are having with the fungus and we want to help in any way we can. If it is not too much to ask, could you send us your research notes on the matter? We would like to research some here but we do not want to do double work if you have already learned something. We will share everything with learn in a following letter.
The guy that hired us also sent along a knight to help us. He looks strong. Has a large war house. We decided that because we are going into space, it might be best to leave the house with our employees for the time being. We do not want a house fouling up the ship with what might become limited resources. We did get to talk a little on this ship while playing cards. He seems nice enough. We will see if he continues with us after this errand or not. If he wants to stay around, we will give him a job in the company.
But mother wild space is amazing and terrifying all at the same time. I do not know if you have been there before but it is very different from life on a planet. We were leant a wasp class spelljammer. As the name suggests, it looks like a huge wasp. I let our druid Scree pilot it for the group. Each ship has a huge air bobble around it so we can breathe safely. We packed many days of food and water, but we also were smart and planned ahead. Our druid Scree is preserving all our rations and water by giving us goodberries to eat each day. They taste great and are filling. As you will find out later in this letter, it is a very good thing we have Scree with us for food and water because we got delayed a lot just flying to Theros.
Our first day in wild space was eventful. We encountered a derelict mind flayer ship. As we pulled alongside it, we could see there was a person on the ship asking for help. Our ship told Scree the air was foul but we as a group decided it was worth the risk to help him. All but Scree went over and as we explored the ship some, we learned there were more people on the ship then the one guy that was asking for help. We thought that was suspicious because he said he was alone but we still decided to help. Turns out, they were all Psurlons in disguise. They are worm like creatures that are very evil and eat humanoids. They had taken over the ship and were luring people to the ship to eat them. We quickly dispatched them and interrogated their leader. He told us how the ship was not empty and there were other dangers on it. We cut our loses, and his throat, and left the ship. As soon as we left that ship, we got chased by another ship but we were faster and got away. We stopped for just a moment at another planet in our system to refresh our air supply.
Our second day we enter the astral sea. We quickly encountered an ion storm. This is a massive storm of pure energy. We thought it best to go around the storm. This would take 5 more days but it was keep us safe. We were not worried about supplies because we did have the goodberries. As we went around the storm, we found an abounded wasp spelljammer. We explored the new ship and find a lot of ale in it. Being the only other person that could pilot a ship, I went over with Temperance to fly it. We now own a ship we are calling the drunken stinger for now. Flying a spelljammer is strange. It is like having an arm you have never had before. It is a part of you but at the same time is not. I just do not have the word to explain what it is like. If we return with this ship, I might have to bring it buy Frandyln and let you and father pilot it if you want. Thou I suspect that father will not want to see me or the ship any time soon. I do not believe I have redeemed myself yet.
The next few days were uneventful. Our eighth day we encountered some dark pyramid in space with many derelict ships around it. We decided to go around this thing but it was pulling us towards it. I was able to steer our ship away and after a little while, Scree did the same with her ship.
Our ninth day we encountered 2 space trees that attacked us. They fired lightning bolts at Scree’s ship and damaged it. I quickly burned them with two fireballs from my wand. We did not have any way to repair the ship in space so we had to wait to work on the ship until we landed in Theros.
Our tenth day was extremely eventful. We flew past a ship of Githyanki. We encountered a gravity well that made flying this ship very strange but no problems. Finally to end that day we ran into an asteroid field with parts of a city in it. As we traveled through it, we encountered an asteroid spider. Mother, this was one of the largest creators I have ever seen. It had to be as big if not bigger than great great great grandfather! It attacked my ship with some kind of web that froze it in place. We threw everything we had at it. I used all my strongest spells. It trapped Temperance and Nomag in its webs also and pulled them next to it. Thankfully, it was not able to bite them much. I have some very strong friends and they are hard to kill. We finally killed this spider. We found a few magic items when we killed it and those will be helpful.
We finally arrived on Theros were I am writing this letter. I learned two new spells. I can now cast summon draconic spirit and teleportation circle. I think both of these spells will turn out to be useful for me. I can now teleport back to Isondale and Frandyln if I can find the spell components for it. I hope we will not have to use this to get back home but if something goes wrong, we will have a backup plan to get home. I know you worry about me mother but I can safely tell you I was never hurt the whole time traveling between the two planets. I did get a little sick from the bad air of that one ship but I got over it very quickly after we got some fresh air. Well I am off to bed on the ground again. Tomorrow we are taking the day to recover a little from space and I will make our new campion a potion of healing. He has proven himself enough while traveling I feel I should reward him with something and you never know when an extra potion in the hands of the right person will come in handy.
-Your Son,
-Fip Goldscale.