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Wed 22nd Dec 2021 12:14

Start of an adventure

by Umoaz gra-Borgakh

The warm light of the fire reflects long shadows on the walls. The small but cozy room seems to bathe in the warmth coming from the fire. The soft sounds coming from the burning wood fills the room and mixes together with the soft snoring of a large brown bear. Umoaz chuckles softly as she sits down on the bench near the fire with a large tankard of ale and glances over at Voshu. She had given up on keeping the bear outside. Her small echalette, Bhash, did not seem to mind as it had crowled in the warm fur of the bear. Her gaze moves over the room. She growls content. It has been a while since it was this quiet at home and she secretly missed the cosiness of her friends.
Her eyes move back to the fire as she takes a large swig of her ale and whipes off the white foam from her mouth with her arm. The last weeks had been an adventure and she had seen more than she had in her year in Orsinium.
She had met the Orsimer Gormag gro-Grull. A strong warrior who had taken her on this adventure. He had taken her to Wayrest, the city of everything that was new to her. The different cultures, languages, people, food...There she had met her friends, Shaasia and Luktav. The Orsimer chuckles softly at the thought of Shaasia. She still didn't know how or why, but this girl had managed to become Omoaz's best friend. And she was a Breton mage at that!
A low growl escapes her throat. She had seen more magic guju in the last weeks than she had seen her whole life. It scared the shit out of her and it was already a miracle she now actually went through those devilish portals without being dragged. But than there were the Allies, the group of strange noisy persons who didn't seem that bad. With the Orsimer Fengrim, for whom she had great respect, as leader. She did, however, still not really understand how he had formed a Stronghold without any other Orsimer but himself. And than John, who tried to help her to get used to all the weird guju going on. For some reason she trusted him not to kill her with his weird powers, something she couldn't say about everyone.
She was still getting used to all the new habits and cultural differences. For example the whole mating process. Apparently mating was done a lot without the aim to pursue the bloodline. Which appeared weird to her, especially the mating between different races. She had never seen it as something enjoyable, but as a necessity. She also never had to worry about doing any of that, since she wasn't married to a chieftain and never thought she was going to. Though she had to admit, she was a bit curious why there was so much fuss over it.
With a sigh she leans back and looks in her half empty tankard. Even though she enjoyed her time here in this strange land, she missed her home and she missed being around other Orsimer. She missed being able to start a brawl without being dragged away and she missed the good ale they had in Wrothgar. The Orsimer woman empties het tankard as she looks in the fire. It was nice though, to see so much of the world, to meet all these people.
One day she would go home and tell her brother all about the things she had seen and done.

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  1. Start of an adventure
  2. Old friends, new friends