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Wed 22nd Dec 2021 12:15

Old friends, new friends

by Umoaz gra-Borgakh

Dark clouds have gathered into one dark grey mass above the trees. The quietness betrays the coming storm those clouds represented. Umoaz looks up at the sky and sighs. "Seems like we won't catch that bear today, Voshu." She glances at the bear besides her that gives her an anwering growl. She had been tracking a large black bear for an hour now, but without results. Her hand goes through the thick fur of her compagnon before she pats his flank. "We better try to find a dry place before the hell break out." She had only just said it as large heavy raindrops start to fall. "I should have kept my mouth." The Orsimer rimples her nose as she starts walking further. The large bear calmly saunters after her. The rythmic sound of the rain fills the air and becomes faster and louder. The smell of rain fill the air and brings its freshness storm always brings with it. As Umoaz finally finds a dry place under a large rock, she is already drenched. She shakes her head and whipes her face with her hand. Voshu immitates her by shaking out his whole body. "Voshu!" Umoaz tries to protect herself with her arms from the water coming from the large bear. The bear looks at her briefly and than pushes his wet nose in her face. The clear joyfull laugh of the Orsimer briefly overwhelms the sound of the rain. "We better make ourselves comfortable, as this storm probably will go on for a while." Umoaz takes off her shield and axe and rests them against a smaller rock. She than searches the saddlebags to finally get out a sweetroll packed in some paper. With a wide grin she sits down against the rock and takes a bite of the sweet snack. Voshu stretches and lays himself against Umoaz.
As Umoaz has relished her snack she shifts to lean back against the soft fur of the bear. She wraps her hands behind her head and looks up at the large rock that keeps them dry. Her eyes slowly follow the lines and textures in the gray mass as her mind wanders off to the stronghold she lives in now and the clan she had joined. "Nazrog." She slowly speaks out the name and she briefly glances at Voshu who looks bored at the falling rain. "What do you think, Voshu? They seem like a good clan, don't they?" Her gaze moves back up. She did not really expect an answer from the bear. Luktav was right. She could have returned to her old clan, help her brother at the stronghold in Wrothgar. He would probably be married by now. Maybe even have children. But she was not ready to turn back. She had left to see the world and she had only seen Wayrock. Waystorm? Highrest? Umoaz shakes her head. Besides, she had grown very font of her new chieftain. He was like a father to her, almost literally. A small chuckle escapes her as she looks back on how Fengrim tries to teach her the map of Tamriel. Umoaz raises her hand and points with her finger in the air. "Wrothgar." She moves her finger up. "Skyrim." Her finger goes left. " with large trees." Her vinger moves right. "Wayrock." And down. "Cyr...Cyr.." The Orsimer scratches her head and than shrugs. "I think it was something like that." She glances again at Voshu. "Where would you like to go, Voshu? I want to see those large trees. They say those small elves live in them. Can't be right? Trees that big." She spreads her arms before her and looks between her hands. "I should ask Fengrim how to get there." She rimples her nose as she thinks of the portals. Bloody guju everywhere. She was glad the stronghold was almost clean of the disturbing magics. Except for that ghost. And that Altmer Fenwyre. Umoaz growls lowly. She didn't really seem like a bad person. If she would just stop doing tricks on her.
Her gaze than turns sad as the thought of Azzy crosses her mind. The Dunmer who she had counted as friend, but betrayed her. Her sadness fastly turns into anger and she briefly bares her teeth at the rock above her. She had been cought into some guju ice and instead of getting her out, Azzy had used his own guju to take away her consciousness. Working together with the one who had put her into ice. He said he meant well, but she just couldn't see how. She had no idea how to trust him again.
Umoaz growls as her anger triggers another memory. The one about Shaasia, her best friend. The Orsimer clenches her fist. The girl had been turned into a vampire, the thing Umoaz had been fighting since... well, always. Her friend had turned into a monster and there was nothing she could do to protect her. To get her friend back. Instead she was forced to accept it. Yes, she had had so many chances to kill the girl, but she never could do it. It was her weakness and she knew it. Now she had agreed to keep an eye on the beast that once was her best friend. To let her live in her house. Only so she would be the one to make an end to it if something went wrong. If she could do it. Umoaz closes her eyes for a moment and takes a deep breath. She had made friends here in Wayrock and also lost friends. Kess, who had been the only Kahjiit she did not have a fight with and who had become a good friend. She only knew he had died figthing, like a true hero. Which was somehow a relief. He had earned his place in the Ash Pit. Or whatever place those cats go to.
With her hand Umoaz rubs her face and lets out another growl. She than looks up. The rain has had its worst and it was slowly calming down. With her hand she pats Voshu as she stands up. "What do you think? Shall we go further?"

Continue reading...

  1. Start of an adventure
  2. Old friends, new friends