Quiet Village Life. by Titta | World Anvil

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April 15-22nd, 496 AV

Quiet Village Life.

by Titta Morco

April 15th, continued
We have Jennivar hold onto our reward money, though she refuses to take any for herself. We do however withdraw a crown a piece and go to Ponya’s Needle and Thread to buy clothes. Ponya and her daughter Nissa got us all set up with something suitable. It’s nice having a change of clothes again. I guess when I left Aravess I only took the basics, because I haven’t worn a dress in some time. Besides my dress I also got a sparring/training outfit. And after shopping we went back to the Home Away to get prepped for dinner.
Bozian Guentarro seats us in a private room and joins us for the meal. We are severed steaks and Elven wine, which I also haven’t had in a while. Suddenly I start wondering if I should write to Kraalin. But the conversation is nice and the food is delicious. We ask about the town and Bozian asks about us. We do inquire if he’s had to pay any protection money, but he seems surprised and says that he’s not heard of it… which shows he’s either lying or really out of touch with the community. Either way, we chat and visit for quite a while before excusing ourselves. He says we are always welcome at the Stag.
We go for a walk around town, casually looking for the Grey Wolves, but do not find them anywhere. When we make it to the north caravan we inquire with the guards if they’ve had any troubles and they say no, but have taken precautions like doubling the guards. We wish them well and eventually head back to the Home Away. There is more talk of Bloodbeak, the killer owlbear, and of the Hollow Moon Pack-which could be a gang of werewolves, but no solid leads.
April 16th
Jennivar has our schedules set, we’ll be working from Tuesday through Sunday a mid-shift from 11a to 8p and will be paired up to learn the different roles of the inn. Jennivar also asks me to stop bringing in my hunts saying that it takes too much work to skin and clean the meat that Olo, the cook, doesn’t have. So instead I will start to sell them to the butcher for a little extra profit here and there.
As we are eating, Captain Brice comes in and asks us about visiting the caravan last night. It turns out it was robbed and the only obvious choices were the kids who stopped by asking about the caravan being robbed. Captain Brice knows we had no part in it, but warns us to not go looking for trouble.
We decide to try a different approach and protect our home, literally the Home Away from Home. We will take watches from one of the bedrooms watching the south and east sides of the inn for possible vandalism since we know Jennivar isn’t paying. Quelkin had mentioned fires and accidents and I’d not like to see either at the inn. Auren will start the night watching alone, since they will likely wait until later. Then will be Sinjin and Ladigo, Selia and Mogi, and myself and Pyzar.
April 17th
Today we visit the shrines in the park, mostly the one to Terra, since Ladigo and I venerate her most. It is a coincidence that both of our mothers venerated Vita. I guess I’m more like my fathers. Then we relax for our last day off before we start working. I stay at the inn and read over my father’s manuscript, Mogi and Auren visit the blacksmith, and Selia, Pyzar, and Sinjin visit the bookshop. We’ve decided we shouldn’t be traveling anywhere alone, but no events happen in our walkabouts.
April 18th through 21st
We start our jobs at the Home Away from Home, even earning a little coin here and there. We rotate through positions, though I’ve noticed me and Selia are mostly with the waitresses. We learn that Astri has a big crush on Gellir, but they work opposite shifts. The work is fun and interesting, we hear a lot of talk and we even take care of some adventure types. Nothing to big happens these days and we fall into a routine, often training or hunting in the morning, then working at night and watching as our turns go throughout the evening.
April 22nd – Nature’s Blessing
Today is Nature’s Blessing, one of my favorite holidays. We visit the shrines in the park, and speak with some of the druids there. One of the druids venerates Terra and we chat for a bit, though I forget to get his name. He introduces us to a ranger of Terra named Finch Darvane. I wish nothing but good things for Haymin and a swift journey for his quest, but maybe we can start training some while we wait. We enjoy some of the festivities in the morning, but then become a part of them as we go to work. It is a busy day, but we made a decent little bit in tips. And at the inn we can hear the bards sing. It was a good day, but we do not slack in our watches that night. Tomorrow will be a day off. At some point as we get a bit of money, it might be nice to take a boat out on the lake and try catching some of the big fish we’ve heard about.

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