Rescued!! Wait...nope, captured again... 4/1-5/496 AV by Titta | World Anvil

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April 1-5th, 496 AV

Rescued!! Wait...nope, captured again... 4/1-5/496 AV

by Titta Morco

April 1st, continued

I find myself shoved into a bag of holding with another person, also from Oathendale, who was grabbed outside of Helmsford. His name is Mogi. I light a lamp and we chat for a bit. A giant hand lets air in every so often. I have my short bow at the ready one time it opens and try to shoot the hand, but a force field seems to prevent the arrow from reaching the top, though in honesty it was going wide. I blame the air rushing in and my uneven footing.
Eventually, the hand didn’t come anymore and we were pulled out in the middle of a large and crowded street. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the light. I noticed eight robed figures on the ground, most bleeding and not moving. Several city guards, and a guy in armor with a sword, pulling more people out of other bags.
“It seems you were right,” says a sergeant before asking where we hail from and our names. We ask what is going on, and the armored man, whose name was Haymin, said we should move off the street and ushered us into the inn we were standing in front of, the Sleeping Wolf Inn—in West Andaria, halfway across the continent. Haymin said he just rescued us from a slave ring run by wizards who kidnapped teenagers from different cities and met up here before taking us to the slave markets in Tenthell. But again ushered us into the inn.
Upon entering the inn, it seems that there was a battle. Scorch marks are scattered here and there, and a few chairs are upended. We sit down and Haymin introduces himself as the head of the Heroes for Hire adventuring guild in Rowadin. Two wizards, Cantlin and Ulcar, had helped him out and would help to take us where we wish to go. We introduce ourselves and I get a good look at my comrades, there is Mogi, who I met in the bag, and five others. The group includes a half-elf, Selia, all the way from Sembria, a halfling, Ladigo, from Brinshire, and five humans counting myself and Mogi from around the Velen and even as far away as Zamilon. Haymin says he has a proposition for us, and invites us to Rowadin to train to become adventurers and a part of his guild.
This at least prevents me from saying I don’t have a home to return to, and adventuring could be fun. They’ll train us as long as we join the guild. It seems some of the others were setting out on some finding yourself type journey, anyway. And I suppose in a way, so was I. After a bit of discussion, we all agreed and toasted to our new direction. Before we left, I sold my rabbit and squirrel to the bartender in West Andaria for 7 nobles. I may have to look into trapping to earn my adventurer’s fee. It is 25 crowns a year, plus 5% of any treasures.
We spent about an hour just getting out of the city. It was ridiculously large and while it was exciting and new, I am kinda glad we will not be staying. I miss my forest, and there isn’t much green here. And there are way too many people. I guess maybe I’ve been on my own too long. But it was so loud with all the chattering and talking and yelling. As we traveled Haymin told us a little about West Andaria and some of the regional history. A couple of us had to be put in bags before we’re teleported to Tall Rock. I can’t help but wonder if I will see anyone I know…
After we arrived, I recommended we go see the rock in the center of town. I hang back a bit and keep looking around for a flash of a red sash. I find none as we start to head out of town down the road leading to the west. It will branch off into a north and south pass that will lead to Karavale and Rowadin, respectively from what I learned while I was here. Haymin didn’t want to lose any more daylight, it was already after noon. He had extra supplies for everyone who didn’t have their own.
We head out and chatted for a while as we walked, getting to know one another. I’m gonna have to get used to this whole, people around me and not just talking to myself or the birds business. It seems strange. I almost wonder if I should tell them I’m cursed, but then I tell myself I don’t believe in that anyway so why bring it up. Haymin noticed I was distracted in town and asks if everything is alright. I tell him I was looking for someone, but it’s probably better if we don’t actually see them.
Travel goes smoothly, even though some of the people aren’t actually used to walking far distances. When we stop to break camp, Haymin has me take over. I set it up as best as I know how. I have people get firewood and set up the fire pit while and I set up my makeshift tent. Haymin said it was late to hunt, but that there was a stream nearby for some fishing.
A few of us go with him. Ladigo catches a fish, kisses it, and then lets it go. We ask what that was about, and he says it lets the other fish know that you’re not out to hurt them and you end up catching more. An interesting thought, but I preferred efficiency. Force of necessity, I guessed. I also set some traps nearby the river.
Auren, the guy from Zamilon, used to own an inn—or at least his parents did before they up and vanished—it was called the Silver Egg, so he knew how to cook. We gave him the fish and some herbs I’d found on the way. It was pretty good. I could get used to having a cook. Haymin had some nice actual tents that some of the others had set up while we went fishing. Haymin also suggested we take watches. Selia and Ladigo went first, then me and Auren, then Haymin and Mogi, then the other two guys Sinjinn and Pyzar. Pyzar is from Athayra and he can talk to his Mother in his mind.
It must be nice. Most of the others still have parents and I guess I’m a little jealous. Auren doesn’t know what happened to his. I almost want to tell him sometimes it better not to know. Anyway, he doesn’t seem to sleep well. It’s an interesting perspective being afraid of the noises of the forest. They’ve been a comfort to me for so long, letting me know I wasn’t alone and that there was life around me. I’ve often thanked Caelum and Terra for sending them to me. I can’t even remember a time when they were ever scary, but surely they must have been at some point.
April 2nd

We awoke the next morning. I caught an opossum in my snares. Was the best tasting opossum I’ve ever had, but it was still an opossum. There is only so much you can do with that meat. Haymin said it would be a good time to hunt. I think all but a few of us went. We found a deer, and Haymin let me take the first shot. I missed and it spooked. Fortuna damnit. Haymin caught it just a second behind with an arrow that hit true. Both of my last shots were misses. I need to practice more. We dress and butcher the deer there, then break camp and head out.
Much as before, walking and talking. I’m learning a lot about my fellows. Some of them are even nobles, or at least their kids. After setting up camp again, since the deer will last us a while we don’t need to hunt or set traps. So Haymin asked if anyone wants to spar and pulls out some wooden weapons from his bag of holding. Most of us end up playing around with the weapons. Sinjinn had a lot of questions about fighting with just his hands. That seemed silly to me. Sword trumps fist, always. We kept the same watch order that night and went to bed.
April 3rd

Today was spent much like yesterday, walking and talking. We’ve kinda settled into a routine. It’s almost like I’m back out with my second father again, though I’m not looking for a third. Haymin seems competent and knowledgeable. So for our party, it looks like Sinjinn is set on being a hand-to-hand fighter. Haymin says they can be powerful, even though they lack weapons, and in my opinion some common sense…Ladigo likes animals, maybe a ranger, like me? I’ve don’t know what interests Selia, she is often quiet. As is Auren, no clue on what a bartender can become, but most likely whatever he wants. Pyzar apparently has some psionic prowess. I guess like magic, but with the mind. Who knows? Mogi knows nature some, but I don’t see him as a ranger. He was raised by druids so maybe that. We should have some good versatility between us though.
After we make camp, today’s lessons by Haymin focus mostly on foraging for foods like berries and plants. We get some seeded fruits and I bury them at the edge of the campsite. Ladigo asks why and I tell him that I got it from my first father. Auren cooks well and the deer is done up nicely.
April 4th

The days are starting to blend together. I was half worried we would maybe run into the Red Sashes, but begin to loosen my guard. Who knows which way they went? We spar some more tonight once we have our camp.
April 5th

After our usual morning, we walk for about half a day. Shortly after lunch, I realize that I let my guard down too soon. As we’re traveling, ahead of us some men come out of the woods. The Red Sashes are clear even in the shadows of the forest.
Quickly and quietly I say to the group, “Shit. These men are bandits. Be careful.”
“Let me do the talking,” Haymin says.
Marak steps forward and tells Haymin to drop his weapons and gear and step away. He says they are taking his stuff, and also the kids as part of the new recruitment campaign. They call Haymin an old man.
“Old man?! I’m 47!” he responds. Then he tells us more quietly, “Don’t struggle, do as you’re told.”
Back to Marak, he calls, “You can have the kids. But I’ll be going.” And then he promptly disappears. His footprints are seen in the dirt and crossbow arrows fire at where he is presumed to be. Then we are stripped of our gear and walked into the forest and placed in a solid wooden cart with a lock on the door. We hear them talking outside and listen closely.
Marak says, “Let them starve. Nothing tonight, and maybe not tomorrow either. They’ll come around to joining us.” We hear him walk away, but a few voices remain.
I recognize one as Torren, who had joked about having fun with us earlier. He mentioned a caravan coming through that they were planning to rob, before coming back and asking, “Do you think he’ll let me have one? I was thinking the half-elf.”
“Leave it, Torren. But I don’t think they are going to make good bandits,” says the other man and then they walk away as well.
I have a plan brewing in my head, but don’t think the rest of the group will like it. I know Haymin will come back for us, I’m just hoping I can be in a position to help. And I swore all those years ago, I’d never be starving again.

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