Kidnapped!! - 4/1/496AV by Titta | World Anvil

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1st of April, 496 AV

Kidnapped!! - 4/1/496AV

by Titta Morco

I was leaving my camp outside of Tall Rock in Oathendale, or at least preparing too. Checking my traps I find that Terra has blessed me with a nice looking rabbit and a squirrel. I won't have to worry much about food the next couple of days. I want to get started on my journey so I just hang the carcasses off of my backpack and figure I'll skin them and smoke them when I break for lunch. It is a little refreshing being on my own timeline and not having to rush. After breaking down camp and getting the last odds and ends packed up, I'm ready.
Now to find out where to. Fortuna guide me as I flip a crown, heads to Mantle in Kainan, tails to Rowadin in the Lake Kingdoms.
Kainan it is. I decided to go back through town one last time. I've been here about two weeks, and its been nice. But I don't stay anywhere for long. Its been a year and a half, and I'm still not ready to really get to know anyone yet. I pass the tall rock spire, impressed again by its sheer size and position. On the way out, I notice someone wearing an all too familiar red sash...
It wasn't Marak Quinaro, but I couldn't tell if it was one of the others with him that day. It's been over eight years, and I still feel my face getting flushed with anger. I decided to follow the man, expecting that he would eventually lead me to more men, maybe even Marak himself. I was right, eventually he met up with another sash, another man I couldn't definitively recognize and they entered an inn. I waited a few breaths before following them inside. I had to focus just on the act of walking as there at the table with 6 or so other of his men, sat Marak. Gods I hate him.
Chances are he wouldn't recognize me anyway, but I was glad my cloak covered most of my red hair and was pulled a little low. I ordered a cider or two as I listened to them talk about nothing special. Finally, a hungover companion stumbled down stairs by the name of Torren and had his breakfast. After the last man had eaten, they headed out as a group. I thanked the bar man and tipped him a shield before heading out after them. It was just me, it wasn't like I could challenge them. But maybe if I could find them doing something shady and be a witness for the town guards...
They turned down an alleyway between a pair of buildings. I counted three breaths before following, just in time to see the last man turn left around another corner. I made my way to the corner and peered around it to see if I could see where they had gone. That was when I heard a cough from behind me.
I turned to see a robed man, who coughed again.
"Hail, friend," I said. "Are you well?" It was then he pointed skyward and the next thing I know, I'm falling upside-down into darkness with the only light a fading pinpoint above my feet.
Gods damnit.

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