Season of Changing (March 12th)
1) 5 year break
a. Personality traits
i. Strong: compassion/duty
ii. Weak: shy / soft spoken
b. Sisters
i. Aquila: artsy/dreamer
ii. Lyra: grumpy/selfish
2) Springtime
a. Given more space as we get a bit older.
b. Start gaining more information about how the town functions
3) Over hearing Starin
a. Talking with Hazel’s mom and Orion’s dad.
b. “With spring closing in The River Runners should be coming around soon.”
i. The River Runners – logging company that brings a huge amount of visitors/traders.
ii. We Jump at the opportunity to talk with outsiders.
c. The River Runners
i. Leader was old man missing teeth. Claimed he lost them chopping down a tree after his axe broke. No longer with the Runners.
ii. Ironwood, 1/1000 trees, severely protected by druidic law, only harvested if the tree falls naturally, each tree registered with druids and protected.
iii. Drinks for celebration, cherry alcohol. Given to all kids.
1. Orion’s dad/ Hazel’s mom link arms before drinking
2. Starin has 2 shots puts one on a mantle
a. Alter (has sun with a face) unsure of deity.
4) Dream
a. People from all over never met before, coming from east, south and west. Really tall person 15 or so feet tall. Dark skin black/cobalt blue. Glowing eyes
staring into my soul. The figures are talking but I can’t hear. Song echoing on the wind. Person from the west covered in veil. Group from south look all
the same. From the north kneels down to touch my forehead and I wake with a start.
5) Arrival of River Runners (4 members arrive at gate others setting up a small camp outside town)
a. Richard Logson Jr.
i. Carries staves and scolls/land charts
b. Walter Logson
i. Older, Wields Axe, cuts and scars all over.
ii. Dark metal shackles round the wrists. (kept covered)
c. Finneus Treeshade (druid)
i. Riding old decrepit mule
ii. Using long staff almost as a walking staff for the mule
d. Kaia Sapling (doesn’t like the last name sapling)
i. Riding young colt
ii. Young likely mid teens
iii. Apprentice to Treeshade
iv. Travels the world (namedrops amazing places that we hear about in stories
e. Some of the visitors are extremely tall
i. Hazel drags me towards them
ii. They are stone giants
iii. Sense of déjà-vu from female stone giant.
1. Beckons me over
2. Eyes are galaxy swirled of color
3. She was the person from my dream.
f. She who sings to Dreams
i. Communicates through touching our foreheads and using telepathy.
ii. “I have met this dreamer before, I have heard your dream voice before and it is a very powerful voice, I thank you for letting me hear it.”
iii. Times where you can explore farther than our world (the world above ours = dreams) sometimes by location others by time.
iv. “Last night you were able to come to this place, you sang your song and I heard it.”
1. “Song = destiny”
2. Your song has been a happy song, it wants to grow stronger and louder, there is a disconnect between yourself and your world.
v. Magic is not evil, humans just haven’t learned to control it which leads to fear.
6) News from the South
a. Prince is betrothed.
b. New villages in the southern deserts.
c. Far East - Elven Queen has had children.
7) The Ruins
a. Kaia tells us of “the ruins of the tower” a few miles outside of town.
b. Used to be a tower/fort that fell during the Blackwell.
c. Blackwell
i. Archmage part of ruling royal family
ii. All the mages were told by archmage to rebel and attack killing near 25% of population.
iii. Deities turned on the arcane mages and wiped them from existence.
d. Tracks leading into ruins, lots of small tracks, one large 4-5ft drag mark with blood. Dried from a few days ago. Wolf tracks. Kaia prepares flaming hands
and prepares for a scuffle.