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Thu 30th Jan 2020 06:26

Finding a Fire Genasi

by Tharan Tallon

"Erinon found herself a cute little dark elf today. I think he's deaf (or pretending to be) but they seemed to hit it off in their little thief speak. Never saw Erinon like this. It's cute. Reminds me of the time Aurora took this boy home for her arcana training. Must have been embarrassing for her to see her dad give this poor kid a stern talking to. "Leave the door open at all times!" or "No inappropriate behaviour!"
Perhaps i should give this Melezio the same talk someday. Erinon can easily slice his balls off if anything inappropriate happens, true. But it won't hurt to give the dark elf a hint of warning."
"Took him to see this dead dwarven lady. They seemed to hit it off as Erinon did the whole priestly thing and had the lady leave this world in peace. I wonder what will happen in my death. Will i return to haunt the supremacy? Most likely will just turn to worm food."
"Didn't sleep too well in Deverels place. It was very kind of him to let us spend the night, but my mind kept traveling to the past. Wondering how my siblings are faring. Feeling bad as to how i left things with Incedis. Considered nabbing the necklace Violin gave us for some direct communication, pass along a message... But i wouldn't know what to say."
"Had our dealings with the Crimson chain. Weird folk. Something feels amiss... As if these people have just been brainwashed. Hardly speaking. Being lapdogs. I don't know. Discipline is good in an army. But this just feels strange. I can't put my finger on it. Anyway the Ensign wants us to bring in some Genasi kid. Probably not going to happen. Said he's special... mmh. Wonder what he meant by that. Going to find him."

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