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Tharan Tallon


Reckless, Barbarian, Good boi (To be edited)

Campaign & Party

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Mon 4th May 2020 12:44

The Justicars.

by Tharan Tallon

... What a day.
Keeping watch with my buddy Bob has left me with many thoughts. Remind yourself to thank the guy.
Good sort, that Rush. Doesnt seem to have a bad bone in his body. Just wants to help. It's.... comforting.
Seems Bob doesnt like these damp caves, find myself agreeing with him. As soon as we're done here, i will stop cursing at the sun and try to enjoy it for once. Perhaps find a nice pool and relax for a minute. Heavens know we've earned it.
Seems people are having bad dreams. Not used to the cold? Or is it the fact we're sleeping next to a corpse and 3 previously hostile people? ...I miss home. Where your enemies stand in front of you, fight with honor... Unless its that shithole Whitefang ofcourse. But i wouldnt even see him doing whatever this is... Slavery? Mind control? Indentured servitude? I hope these people can be helped. I am proud of myself for not treating them like common trash, proud my hunch paid off for once.
And the wizard and Erinon just took out the ensign like it was nothing. Was it all bluster? It doesn't feel right. Perhaps we have become stronger. Still doesn't feel right. They shouldn't have killed him. Pretty sure he's being used like all the others. We should tear the foundation that allows this evil down to the ground. If only we had an army... What if we could free these Justicar from their chains? What if...
We need to get Erinons friend. Perhaps there's some library or some place where we could find where she could be stationed.
Ahh leave the thinking to the others, you only fuck things up.
Heh, the fire genasi impressed me today. Showed me some moves i haven't seen before. Never tell her that though. I will observe her for a while, get an understanding of her "dance". Should probably spar with her a few times to see what she's doing.
Bailey Halloway. Strong name. Mmmh.. Halloway... Why does that name ring a bell?...
... Shifts over. Time for some well deserved sleep.

Tharan's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Finding a Fire Genasi
    30 Jan 2020 06:26:37
  2. Our new companions (And Bob)
    23 Feb 2020 11:37:45
  3. The Justicars.
    04 May 2020 12:44:27

The major events and journals in Tharan's history, from the beginning to today.

The Justicars.

... What a day. Keeping watch with my buddy Bob has left me with many thoughts. Remind yourself to thank the guy. Good sort, that Rush. Doesnt seem to have a bad bone in his body. Just wants to help. It's.... comforting. Seems Bob doesnt like these...

12:44 am - 04.05.2020

Our new companions (And Bob)

We were approached by a strange pair the other day. Offering to help us in our quest concerning the crimson chain. Vandergrift Baldir. Strange fellow. A countryman. Havent heard that accent in some time. Part of that pirate's den. Wonder how Gerfast is...

11:37 am - 23.02.2020

Finding a Fire Genasi

"Erinon found herself a cute little dark elf today. I think he's deaf (or pretending to be) but they seemed to hit it off in their little thief speak. Never saw Erinon like this. It's cute. Reminds me of the time Aurora took this boy home for her arcana t...

06:26 pm - 30.01.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Tharan.

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