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Sun 23rd Feb 2020 11:37

Our new companions (And Bob)

by Tharan Tallon

We were approached by a strange pair the other day. Offering to help us in our quest concerning the crimson chain.
Vandergrift Baldir. Strange fellow. A countryman. Havent heard that accent in some time. Part of that pirate's den. Wonder how Gerfast is doing these days. Things have been tense between Isustaya and him, but we managed to stay out of eachothers way.
For a wizard under a warlords command, he doesn't know his place in battle. Taking up the front line like some hero when we fought this boar creature. Wizards are frail, he should stay in the back. If i went into a frenzy and chopped it up, he would have died from the toxic fumes secreted from the creature. Ah well, not everyone can keep their heads on the battlefield i suppose.
He impressed me in the court though. Smooth tongue, talked the townsfolk out of 100 gold pieces. Let's hope he can use that wit in more dire circumstances.
Then there is Rush. What a character. He turned the boar into a squirrel. Asked me to hug it... Why in the world did i agree to such nonsense? It worked out in the end though. Turned out this boar wasnt out to kill us, it was just injured, leading us towards another clue as to where we might go next.
Also found out that Rush, besides talking to beasts, could also talk to plants. After slicing up some flesh eating plants for trying to eat me, we found out there is some big monster in between us, and the Rumbling Rocks. Can't wait to fight this creature. But first we must take some rest.
Oh, almost forgot the weirdest thing of the night. Rush also talked to my cactus. Apparantly his name is Bob, and he's a really cool guy. Guess ill keep him watered, and talk to him every now and then so he doesnt get lonely. Mmmh. I wonder if taking him from his brothers and sisters was ok. May have to bring him back at some point.
Anyway. Time for some sleep.

Continue reading...

  1. Finding a Fire Genasi
  2. Our new companions (And Bob)
  3. The Justicars.