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Wed 20th Sep 2023 08:41

Session 6: Party of Grimsa Day 2

by Beetle

-Since Ivar is dead, Yarik will need to renegotiate The Grimsian-Vargskerian Treaty with Ragnar Warg.
-Liv finds a dead falcon with the left wing cut off, def Ragnar's doing.
-Beetle found blood and footprints. Ragnar was following Liv and Loki
-Suneater was scared of the little firewyrms. Her heart was beating real fast and she was trying to kill them.
-They flew away southeast
-L says that these firewyrms are related to suneater
-sige and Vivica got into a fight.
-Beetle tends to lokis wounds and loki forgives him for what happened with olaf
-Beetle gave Ari hallucinogenic mushrooms to sell to Dorian. Ari promised not to take any but then took one himself lol
-Beetle takes a look at Siegs dad and diegnoses him with Vorpentitis. They decide to try and find a potato.
-The island of hysteria is to the southeast as well. shit. Might be a problem for suneater.
-The island is home to the hysterics, a group of hysterical people. They believe in some crazy shit, like the earth is round. Earth spins around the sun.
-Giant mounts lock the island out on 3 sides
-Beetle has heard that there is a giant fuck off dragon there. Which has stopped any boat from entering or leaving.
-A very large, long-necked, glossy black Sea Dragon, with two huge bright green eyes. Their size is described to be "the size of an underwater mountain". The dragon is so large it cannot fit into the entrance to Hysteria Harbor.
-Ari is going to teach beetle how to fire a bow. I need to get some supplies, try to trade with the lump guy.