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Wed 13th Sep 2023 07:41

Session 5: The Party at Grimsa

by Beetle

-L finds a weird hidden tile area on Grimsa. The romans had tiles.
-There are a bunch of dead people down there. Skeletons n shit.
-L gets very bad vibes from this area. Like dumped in cold water. Feeling of being watched.
-Engravings on the walls. The world Serpent. The largest creature in midguard.
-There is a foot and a sandal. It smells real bad. Foot smell. Has been down here a month.
-The foot is not a clean cut.
-L fell down into an ocean cave
-god damn cthulu down here
-L found engravings in latin
-There are holes in the walls leading to the cave that the creature can reach through
-Viv is inviting everyone to dinner with her dad
Everyone is thankful for:
Yarik- That viv is back
Viv- That she is home
Man who is wider than he is tall. Yariks cousin: His fun being such a good fighter.
That son: A hunt he managed to have with a mad wolf.
Bjork: His cousin is back.
Magnus: Venison kid is back so he is getting his fav meat again
Loki: To be able to see the creations of fraya herself. The goddess of love and beauty
Liv: to be alive after everything
Sige: For Harold, who took care of him.
L: To be a free man again
Astrid: The proud return of their rival
Ragnar: so many new brothers and sisters. I cant wait to do the customs of my tribe to each and every one of you. Our battles will be glorious. Are any of you left handed? (Liv is both) Not many new hands for my collection
Dragon fight trainer guy: New students
-L used to be a blacksmith in the brokkr clan
-Yarik tells L that they need a new or temp blacksmith
-They want us to do dragon training
-None of us want that
-Sige tells the chief about project Poseidon
-L tells us about the the cavern under the mountain, the waterways, and the dragon.
-The walls of the cave said " god dragon wolf" in latin

  • Breaks down the body and then the bones inside tenticles. These dragons are wet and slimy. Leaves mucus where they go. has a hypodermic needle that injects a venom into its prey Body stiffins, turns green, then nervous system explodes. Every nerve cell at the same time is filled with so much fluid they pop like a balloon. They are ravonous cand can always eat no matter how full they are. Avoid sunlight. Use underground caverns to hunt for prey.