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Fri 30th Sep 2022 07:47


by Prince Riole Talae

WE FELL OUT OF THE SKY BUT LIVED SOMEHOW. AMAZING. INCREDIBLE. I AM TRULY SURROUNDED BY HEROES. THEY SAVED MY LIFE. I AM SO HONORED AND FLUSTERED AND I MUST FIND A WAY TO REPAY THEM SOMEHOW. aHHHH anyway, yes, Respen, I KNOW. I'm freaking out!! Go somewhere else winged friend I'll talk with you later. No not to..... Okay, fine, go to my brother.
Okay, she's gone under the covers now. Gosh, gosh, gosh, oh GOSH I can't believe that I literally fell out of the sky and survived. Not a lot of people can say that, you know!! And guess!!! Who!! Was!!!! THERE!!!!!!!!
Marros!!!!! :DD I've found him! In Everska!! He's right there, across the room, sitting on the bed that I legit SLEPT IN just last night I'm so dumb how did I not notice that he slept there. Idiot, me. Oh, but I suspected he was here, I did, but I'm so happy that I found him!! He's like.... brooding over in the corner of the room writing in his own journal, probably because he's not had a fun time since he left home, which I literally knew he wouldn't but why would he listen to me haha....ha. Roly-Poly is resting in front of my bed though, because he loves me more hehe. He was so worried about me and why I was here, in Everska, and what is that flying around you what, wait you were IN THE TRAM that crashed on the museum??? Rio........ But it's okay because we're reunited!! After months!! I've found him! I missed him but he's here and he's grumpy and I can literally feel the stress radiating off of him but it's okay because we're finally together and everything will work out fine.
Or I will keep telling myself that forever and ever, because I can't imagine things not actually working out fine. Because then that'd mean..... Bad things happening to my people and my family and my home that I adore even though it's so flawed. And that? I cannot allow to happen. I think Ros has allowed his thoughts to be consumed by negativity. I must make him smile. We'll be fine. We will be. Even if our home gets burned to the ground, our people are tough and we will survive. It might actually be good for Laralissi to move somewhere else and start over, so we can finally get our heads on straight and realize our idiotic thinking is more hurtful than helpful. But that might be something like wishful thinking. I am forever the optimistic. I will be the optimist for Ros. I will make him smile.
Ooh, he's done writing in his journal. He's staring at me. He looks very conflicted. Pained. I wonder what he's seen on his journey, all of the struggles that he's endured since he left behind the sheltered life we both lived. Maybe he's actually looking at me like that because I actually could have died today, just like I could have died a few days ago. Oops. I should be more careful, I think. He doesn't need to know that, right? He'll just be worried and I know he's already worried and trying to figure out how to get me home. I am not going home unless he comes back with me. Oh no, gosh, Goddess, please prepare me, for I must inform him about the horrible news of our home being attacked. I don't want to be the barer of bad news :(
I'll just talk to him and give him hugs and reassurances and cheer him up. He definitely needs it. My goal is to make him laugh and I will not rest until he does. Maybe I can regale him with our glorious triumph over the gigantic snail? Or I could tell him something else from my solo adventuring. My journey has not been as harsh as his must have been.