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Fri 30th Sep 2022 08:29

The Heroes of Tinkertown! And other things.

by Prince Riole Talae

Well, well, well... Hello, page! Much has happened today and I am incredibly eager to see what happens in the future.
I know you remember this, journal, but my journey has lead me to the city Everska! It's quite an interesting town to explore or, at least, it's very different from my home? There's a giant chasm dividing the city and I'm convinced there's some massive creature living in the bottom of the canyon. Maybe a gigantic worm. Or a ginormous lizard.
Actually, I heard of this city before I arrived here, but Mother and Father never wanted to come this far. Too much distance from the ocean, I guess? They didn't really like to travel far even if it was still coastal, actually. Probably because they were scared of running into the "undesirable races". Their racism and ignorance and stupidity and fear controlled them. How tragic for them, truly... I'm rolling my eyes. It's not tragic. I am not a fan of my idiotic parents. You know that, though, don't you? Which is why I can never let any of my family read this! Love my family, yes, but I'm already the weird one. Er, well, the second weird one? I don't know. Family weird. Royal life sucks.
Oh well. My own actual justified fear was very real when I ran into the serial killer of Everska! That was a terrifying moment, honestly. It was not actually a person, but some sort of evil monster, which I should have maybe known. The evidence was too weird for it to be a person. Ugh, I almost became evidence, didn't I? If a group of heroes hadn't interfered I think I might have died. Respen did tell me I shouldn't go after it, but all of my siblings would try to stop it, so I also had to try. But I failed. Thankfully no one was around to laugh at me. Though Respen did give me quite a scolding after we were somewhere safe. Nagging me... Like she's the boss of me... I have to figure out how to break this connection soon. I don't want to be nagged.
Agh, she's reading over my shoulder. I mean, no, you are lovely, Respen! Your feathers are so pretty! I love your scales! Wow! No, no, no, I don't mean what I said, about breaking anything, noooo......
Anyway. The heroes who rescued me are actual real life HEROES, and I'm amazed that they happened to pass by the street at the exact same moment I was being taken away!! Fate must be guiding my steps. I know this is already true, but it has been confirmed again today! It was already confirmed on my fifteenth birthday... That I refuse to even think about. The heroes are amazing and incredible and very helpful and, uh, kind of friendly? They agreed to accompany me on a quest to kill a giant snail! (That quest was a small disaster but we all survived so it's alright!) They all are so strong and powerful and skilled... I wonder how many people they've killed? If any? I hope they've not killed any. It'd be very cool if the Heroes of Tinkertown, and my own saviors, had no blood on their hands..... But I doubt that. The world does not work that way, I know.
Artemis the elf actually seems the most likely to have murdered. Mostly because of his dark and mysterious persona. I don't know if I'd trust him if he hadn't saved me from certain death. Maybe he's shy? Or older than everyone else? He did seem slightly weary. But he had cool blades and he just seems Very Cool. Beef, the very large dragon-looking one (I think that race is... dragonborn, right?), seems to be the friendliest and the most willing to teach me things. He even taught me how to wield a glaive! He's giant but very gentle. I can absolutely imagine him taking care of a bunny and being so careful with it. Hazel the human has very strong magic, from my observations. He also offered me a sweet roll but it.... was possessed. By goo. I have no other explanation for why it looked and smelled like that. I fear what else the dude has in his pockets. I don't trust his pockets. BUT, they all are the Heroes of Tinkertown, so surely! They are good people! With strange quirks, right? And a horrible smelling sweet roll that honestly should NOT be called a sweet roll anymore.
Very odd, but what else did I expect from my journey? To find my brother, actually, but I haven't seen him or Roly-Poly anywhere I've gone to yet. I think I'll stay in Everska for another week or so to make sure he's not here, then I'll move on. Maybe I should put up a flier that I'm looking for him? No, I can't do that. Not when my home is burning and my people are at war with something we can't fight against. I wish I could find Marros. I miss him. I want to talk with him about our home. I know he ran away, but he'd surely come back if he found out that our home was in a dire situation, right? Right. I must find him and tell him. Then we can go home together and help our people together! Good plan. Very flawless.
I'll go look for him and this time I will NOT encounter any evil creatures!! :) If I do I'll just use my new fancy snail shell staff on them, hehe!

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  2. The Heroes of Tinkertown! And other things.
  3. The Journal Entry’s title
  4. The Journal Entry’s title
  5. Oops...