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Tue 13th Sep 2022 08:54

Session 5

by Dewey

Saffron and Pukitt started talking to the bartender in The Steel's Drop. Saffron rented a room for the night, and Pukitt traded a real SP in exchange for one of the coins with antlers used by the smugglers, which seem to have entered circulation to a certain degree as forgeries/by accident. The coins started appearing roughly 2.5 years ago (predating appearance of Second Coming), around the same time as a small fire in the inn. Fire started from an argument, involving a *Jimmy* - the pair has now been banned. Coins have seen a spike in circulation roughly in the past year. Bartender said that the clientele is likely to be drinking to pass the time until the next shipment comes in to work on, which should be soon (at sunset). Party went up to room to discuss ideas - decided to potentially look for shipping manifests at the Shipping Office.
Party asked bartender where Shipping Office - she didn't know, so Dewey suggested asking if any of the clientele might know. One man offered to show party where the Shipping Office was in exchange for a drink - he is clearly drunk, but asks for a Shipping ID, which takes the form of either a contract or a badge (higher-ups).
Party makes their way to the Shipping Office, and decides to forge a contract to act as a Shipping ID, using Whistle's knowledge of forgery and Dewey's knowledge of calligraphy. Saffron is chosen as the infiltrator Dos Les with NoVA as a bodyguard, representing 'Carys Industries' and shipping 'fancypants'. Dewey looks round to the end of the alleyway which goes around a corner and appears to be a sort of rat run for shipping, nothing special, but the door to the Shipping Office itself appears to be ajar. Saffron and Nova go in and are asked to wait in a queue. Whistle sneaks in and manages to convince the worker that they are the shift change, gaining access to the records and a copy of the master key as well as a bunch of documents which appear to have some Thieves Cant markings.
Party heads back to The Steel's Drop to reconvene and go over the documents. Whistle realises that the Thieves Cant is a stamp of some sort made up of the symbols 'police station', 'keep away', and 'be quiet' but doesn't understand the full meaning, though starts to teach these symbols to Dewey. All the Thieves Cant marked documents seem to come in at the same time (end of day/sunset shipments) and come in on a general shipment. Documents do not indicate when cargo is loaded, only when it is unloaded. The ship is called The Horizon Walker, docks roughly every two weeks, and always docks at Ashfall's central dock (same as the one marked on the map), though sometimes varies between east or west side.
Mage Armor - 4 hours left
Alarm - 5 hours left