Party set off towards the Ashfall central dock where The Horizon Walker is due to dock. When we arrive, there are a large number of labourers milling around. Pukkitt attempts poorly at lifting bosses, but is given some kind of strength-increasing fingerband? All of us followed the labourers up to the loading dock when a siren rang. Pukkitt got drafted into the airship to get unloading boxes, while Whistle broke into a room and stole a few things. Dewey and NoVA talked to a forewoman, who asked us to get the captain's signature (but not too soon in the loading process - hmm?) for restricted items. We then boarded the ship, got a quick oversight of the cargo hold (which contained some chained-up boxes, potentially the restricted items) before going to speak with the captain, who asked whether we'd seen James (aka JIMMY) somewhere and signed the document, while also giving us a letter for Jimmy. D and N got off the airship and went back to the loading dock.
Mage Armor - 2 hours left
Alarm - 3 hours left