We decide to continue investigating Second Coming, targeting potential manufacturing sites. Looking back over the shipping log of The Horizon Walker, we know that there are three major towns where it regularly stops: Ashreave, Millwater, and Rineme. We decide to book tickets for a ship down to Ashreave, which is a major farming hub just north of Icarrian that capitalizes on the ash falling from Icarrian. We head to the Auric skyship docks, where there is a baggage-related kerfuffle. Dewey capitalizes on this to book round trip tickets easily (to all the towns we want to go to) and returns to the party. Dewey has new stamp-related trauma.
The party starts intervening in the kerfuffle - Ronan and NoVA pick up the two men arguing and Pukitt picks up the baggage. Both men identify things that they believe to be in the baggage, and when Pukitt opens it they find one person's items, but also a person called Crisophus seemingly being smuggled?
We hand over the man who was lying and clearly trying to steal the luggage to guards, and board the skyship to Ashreave. Dewey casts Identify on the box and finds that in addition to a large amount of all kinds of magic (especially Abjuration/warding), there is some kind of explosive Glyph of Warding, though Dewey can't figure out the trigger for the Glyph.