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June 15th, 764


by Kurigath Clathicul

O'lo is a fascinating fellow. I look forward to getting to know him better.
We were in the garden when Femtid arrived, and she knew the address where we could find Upir.
She forgot the paper in her other pants. I am afraid I missed a chance to say perhaps Alowiscious could assist her, as they need more practice getting into pants.
A slightly petty joke it may seem, but I hold no grudge over a simple failed pickpocket attempt. I do not believe they hold any ill will towards me. Only that they follow their impulses rather closely at times. Alowiscious and Lily are a bit similar in that manner.
I feel as if what we heard may have been mistaken, however. We were told Upir, fancied, the duchess here. Which would be Femtid. Where it started, I am unsure, but it is not close at all to what we now know of Upir's motivations.
Why is he looking for me though?
Alowiscious seemed to come to the conclusion that Femtid and Upir were having an affair, but her reaction to their accusations were not of one who was found out. She appeared to find it rather comical.
The conversation somehow switched to blackmailing her? I do not understand how Machina and Alowiscious came to that, but they spoke of it directly in front of her. At least she found amusement from it.
O'lo spoke of black lights? I will have to ask him what those are.

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  1. A Sort-of New Beginning?
    May 3rd, 762
  2. Meeting with Upir
  3. Need More Practice
    May 17th, 764
  4. Shin-wo-Lee
    May 23, 764
  5. Gnoll Trouble
    May 24, 764
  6. The Empty Dragon
    May 25th, 764
  7. A Letter To Sahala
    May 26th, 764
  8. An Unexpected Reunion
    May 30th, 764
  9. Much Inside Machina's Head
    May 30th, 764
  10. A Friend in a New Shape
    June 1st, 764
  11. Lily's Birthday
    June 2nd, 764
  12. Blackmail?
    June 15th, 764
  13. To Dustlight
    June 16th, 764
  14. To The New
    June 21, 764
  15. Self-Conciousness Has No Place Here
    June 23rd, 764